
Liked X-Com 2.. my personal habits broke the game for me though...

“The team age ranges from 19 to 28. What are you on about with 13 year olds? Most of them would know what its like to go to regular school.”

They literally represent a place they have never been to.. that’s an issue with me. (Just drop the city/state/location and call them a team name.. solves the problem) Also, these players haven’t had a normal average high schoolers life since their parents took them out of school to move around the globe to compete..

I could probably find this out with a google search but.. not that invested...

Counterpoint: I have a side job delivering furniture two days a week, which, every week amounts to lifting and moving about 2-3 couches, 2-3 sectionals, a few sleeper chairs, etc..

“I’m going to look at memes on my phone now because killing time that way sounds better than small chat with you.”

It’s always weird and interesting to me when my real life interactions differ wildly from my online interactions. Every person I’ve come across that has seen it this last week, from former film school classmates, to non-film friends and family... no one thought it was “trash.”

Stop trying to see movies at peak times and/or find a different, less popular theater. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when you have the whole theater to yourself at 9:35am on Friday morning.. (this is the and/or part...) I have an AMC literally 1.5 miles from what was a former AMC.. the former AMC is now locally owned

Oops, clicked on the article before I realized the link took me to jezebel.. can I have my click back?

He didn’t say he wants one though. He wants to play some of the games that are exclusive to XB1, but doesn’t want to pay for a whole console just to be able to play those.

So kink shaming is now what qualifies to be an article?

OP=Original poster. I do not know their gender and thus why I used “them” “they” in majority of my post.. by that line using op seemed best.

I believe they are saying that the only games that interest them on XB1 are exclusive to XB1 and while they are interested in those games, it is not enough to warrant purchasing an XB1.

Yeah still not going to play in the desert. I do like the little islands around the south and east though. Makes me wish there was an archipelago type map. You’d have a few big islands where the hot drops happen but then you’d bring in boat warfare as players moved from one island to the next.

So while everyone has their own techniques, one thing that is fairly universal is that after a prolonged high-heart rate session, one will start to sweat. Most VR HMDs have foam pads that separate the face from the plastic. This is where the sweat goes. Kind of makes you feel bad when you then show a stranger a VR

It’s not a popular opinion but I find Bixby way more useful than Google Assistant. To me, GA just feels like a way to search for something on the internet.

Golf is literally a sport that seniors compete in because that is all their body can handle at that point. It is sort of a cheap move to just directly go to the retirement sport but hey, Tiger made a lot of money so he deserves news coverage right?

“Hey, jackass, how about letting the man actually finish his swing before you start shouting?”

Well if you can’t win in a competition the best thing to do next is to pretend like you’re in a competition.. at least you never lose.. unless the script calls for it.

Lifehacker literally has a week they named “evil week”... during which many articles are posted...