
You’re forgetting that both air ships suffered and would only go about half the speed as they did on the SNES .

It suffered due to going from a custom SNES cartridge with heavy optimization for the SNES and its technologies such as Mode-7 to a CD with no optimization for the PS1. So it ended up slow and lagging in just about everything.

Perhaps she has the same immortaility as their mother, who hasn’t aged since Dragon Ball.

Indeed, but most of them were the same old Norse tropes.

Hakkon’s lore relevency has to do with the last Inquisition, the Second Blight, fall of the Dalish civilization, and role of mages at the time.

Oh come on, Odin is clearly Shodan pretending to be someone else again.

Honestly all you had to say was “ Because its the Minnesota Vikings”.

To be fair Kull was created by Howard too and the film was originally going to be a 3rd Conan movie. With Schwarzenegger not wanting to do it, they got Sorbo and changed the character.

Makes a pretty good commentary on smokers, with Morbol’s signature move being “Bad Breath”.

If it is like Hakkon, it can be done at either time. Though I would think it should at least require being past the fall of Adamant Fortress in the main story.

Now that you said that, I expect no less than 20 mods to show up on Nexus.

The Dawn Will Come was also a massive easter egg to Mass Effect, which also increased its dorkyness.

Even with the SNES translation, it was pretty clear that it was still attempted suicide. I always looked at Cid’s note with a hint of sarcasm.

Sega already gave the non-Japan Asia version of the game a English language mode, so they don’t even have that excuse anymore.

Other then Rust Dust (the Groove repaint) all the Victorion lady bots have new heads, new chests (including both helecopter bots which are flipped for each one), and either new forearms or hands. The combined mode has new hands, feet (heels really mean nothing for gender in Transformers since there are plenty of coded

Also likely needed due to the cut out sections and new vents to give it a uniformed look.

My guess, the case was yellowed and discolored. has their preorder up for $139.99.