
Don't forget there also was the Worlds of Power Metal Gear adaption with Justin "Solid Snake" Halley.

Heh, that is the tile set I use on my android mahjong game.

No it isn't, the City of Bloomington pays rent and has a lease like any other tenant.

Guys name Jack do.

Quantum, came about due them not having the full rights to SPECTRE and co at the time. Now that has been rectified.

They now include tips based on role, which helps, but yeah reading a list of abilities vs seeing them in action is completely different.

Absolute Virtue

It was in the review Kotaku did yesterday.

DA:I has a bard, that the player goes around looking for music for them to play, so yes the context works more then you give it credit for.

yes, but clearly the comic doesn't, since Aragorn is Helm's Deep.

You know in the book it was reforged before the Fellowship left Rivendell right?

What terrible art for the robot mode's back.

My guess its not the real Revan, but Malgus using the name and iconography, since his Empire 2.0 plan failed.

Who do I send the emergency room bill to at Kotaku for the asthma attack this article caused due laughing at it?

First thing I thought as many others have.

That was the Universe 2 ultta size Powerglide. There is a new smaller one coming out that is part of the Generations toyline next year, that can turn into another gun for upcoming Superion.

No, I see it too.

Going back to FFXI, each expansion has had a female led cast, Lion in RotZ, Prishe and Ulmia in CoP, Naja and Amphau in ToAU, Lilisette in WotG, and Arciela in SoA.

Rogue are archetypes are Thief, Assassin, and Arcane Trickster.

In regards to feats, they are much more powerful and less of than the 3/3.5/PF verity. Also the stat increase is either +2 or two +1 of your choice to a cap of 20 and many of the feats include a +1 to a related stat an edition to the other abilities it grants.