
Maybe in Wisconsin, we all know its the Methodists that run the show here.

That list is old and way outta date, just head over to and goto the minifig section to see the different Leia versions and sets she comes in.

Not only that, this version of the Lego minifig comes in the Jabba Sail Barge set. Not some random placing that some minifigs get, but an actual set that references an actual part of the movie, in which the outfit the minifig was based on was worn in.

Nice cherry picking on the Lego Leia, seeing how you fail to mention what set that Leia comes in. That set being Jabba's Sail Barge and that Lego Star Wars sets are either vehicles or playsets referencing scenes from the movies they are from. Sets currently available with a version of Leia.

Because it doesn't, its just a random line that means what it says. The point was disproving that it was an actual real world saying meaning "getting married" nothing to do with the in game context.

"It's a great line," Howard continued, laughing. "[Senior Bethesda game designer] Emil Pagliarulo wrote it"

Because its a video game related meme. Also the getting married thing was proven false in a previous Kotaku article.

The thing that got me while playing this was how much it was like Iria: Zeiram the Animation, which I had seen prior to playing.

How can that be the best? It looks nothing like a bear.

Isn't that the same week as Episode VII?

News just in: A calling card belonging to international thief, Arsène Lupin III, was found at the base of the unlit Olympic torch, in Tokyo Olympic stadium. The card contained a message that he would return on the night of the opening ceremony to steal the Olympic flame. When asked, the chief inspector of the Lupin

That's were the origin of XI's artifact armor comes from, but Ariel's case is the clincher that its from XI,is due to the buckler (shield) she's using and no mask around the face. And in Mulan's case, monk's armor wasn't brown until FFXI, it used to be blue in old FF's and yellow in XIV.

They look to be based off the artifact and relic armors from Final Fantasy 11. Such as Ariel's Red Mage is spot on to the armor in the game and her buckler is on model too.

No there wasn't. There was even an article on kotaku, with a quote from the developers saying they made it up on the fly for this game.

In turn which code was entirely made up on the internet.

No, the bottom two lines are the same time line, as the top two lines are one time line.

I could see it happening. Also pretty sure the guy in the cloak might be a certain former Aspect of time on his way to madness.

I take it you didn't take the 5 seconds to google Ashley Johnson.