
I don't think that would be Vince Gilligan's style. There has been some terrible losses? Like when Andria was shot on BB. But suicide would be so dark, it would be difficult to switch gears into another story line.

Lots of well deserved Emmy's for BCS. Jonathan Banks, Mckean, Esposito, Bob 0
The whole show. Don Eladio's speedo's that deserves something.

We have to stop the hate Chuck stuff. Micheal Mckean is a fabulous actor. He knocked it out of the ball park last night. They all did. Howard is pretty obnoxious.
How come he didn't say much?
Welcome back Huell. You look fabulous. This Gilligan thing is better than anything.

Last nights bottled episode in the court room was better than the Fly from BB.
It was even better than HAMILTON. You would have to put some rap music of course.
Heads down to you and Tom and all of you. Start thinking of another sequel, even if it's 4 years away.😱😱 You guys weave a story that's unlike anything ever

YOU are right, just don't think it will happen. It it does Gale is looking much better and slimmer now. Check it out on BILLIONS.
In another topic, mike followed was curious if anyone thought about that.
his daughter in law to ABQ after he got rid of his killers. But why did she go there? She doesn't have any relatives

Sorry you are correct, but don't think that will happen. Gus plucked him needing someone to cook. He would be too young then to reach those standards. Really sorry.

Maybe she is small for her age😱
She is a character in the show, but only a minor one that works for me. If you fine comb every tiny detail it would be impossible.

That would be impossible. Jessie Pinkman shot him in breaking bad.

Well at least Gale pulled through. He is great on BILLIONS.

I read somewhere the government took it when they took them down. Sad about that

By George you are spot on!

Donna, compliments to you on review of BCS. For me it was Xmas coming in May. Santa brought back BB. It was amazing. The pool hector and cheers to Gus. I can't believe there is a bad bone in his body. The writers went straight to drive and do what they do the best, BCS in BB mode. We cried when it ended, and now they

Considering what she is going through right now it is not the right time. She is a complete wreck, I don't think sharing her rape experience now serves any purpose.

Perhaps, but not at this time. Some things you don't have to share. Paige is learning so much about her parents now. She is very sensitive and distressed. Bad decision to ever tell her. Doesn't serve any purpose.

My stray observation is Liz is little careless trying to be Paige's best friend. Paige is so fragile and afraid, Was it the necessary to tell her she had been raped?? She might just stay in that closet next time.
As far as most thought provoking show along with BCS, I am much happier watching the BCS. This season The

Well thanks, not exactly. In television world, that we watch, we would not love this show this much if there wasn't a Chuck and Jimmy. Real life Chuck should be poisoned.
Family relatives, we walk away from, no story involved.
Actually Chick belongs in a institution in real life. I enjoy more when Gilligan tells the

I have a brother just like Chuck. Lucky for Jimmy, Chuck is not his real brother. Mine is real. If only we can take real bad things in our lives into television shows? How glorious😱

I would leave the Royals alone.
We know enough about them, also they had more than their share of stories. I know Ryan will come up with another feud.

Just watching the OJ series on NETFLIX.
Well done, remembering everything. The only actor I thought was weak was OJ,

Everyone needs a MAMACITA.
Terrific series, enjoyed Joan an Bette.👋🏻👋🏻