YAAAAH..... OH wait...... Crowd funding... That was my exact reaction. Seeing their track record is kinda sketchy in this department. Broken Age was just okay and that abandoned space base sim dose not inspire confidence in Double Fine.
How does the rest of the base building stuff happen when you go into a unit?
They have to use steam controllers instead of keyboard and mouse.
Hey hey hey. He said he will make up for past mistakes. He never said anything about not making new ones. I garuntee you Afro Samurai 3 will not have the same mistakes as 2.
Except those video games aren’t an official production of the United States government.
Interesting to see that all the “enemies” use NATO tech. *twiddles thumbs*
That’s the first thing that popped out at me when I saw the trailer. I think if you’re not going to have any type of combat and the entire point of the game is the environment and exploration then either make the animations good or put the game in first person.
As an animator, I tend to have a really hard time playing games with weak character animation. And while I love the look of this game, I struggle with the animations. Is it worth struggling to get over that gripe for this game?
Good question! Here, you guys might enjoy reading my e-mail exchange with Kickstarter last week. Get a little glimpse at how the sausage gets made.
The greatest sin of Angry Birds 2 is that it breaks the fundamental formula that Rovio themselves once perfected to make their games so addicting: the instant retry.
The BBB is such a fucking scam. You can literally buy your way to ratings. There have been various stories on it, which you can google.
Well, he's the obvious candidate number one for the Arkham Knight identity, until proven otherwise. I sure hope it isn't him, not any obvious character (Robin, Bruce Wayne parents, alternate dimension Bruce Wayne, or any bullsh*t like that) in order to play a decent game with a decent plot. But even so, if it's a new…
good. Keep the goddamn clown out of this one
You're telling me fish SWAM AWAY FROM YOU? Isn't that proprietary Call of Duty technology?
There's a rational level of delusional, and then there's Rabid Banned LoL Player delusional.