Ignorance is bliss, I guess. People buy the badge.
Ignorance is bliss, I guess. People buy the badge.
I bet the 2011 and 2013 season viewers would beg to differ. The only difference I could think of would be that Webber had terrible starts and could never challenge Vettel over a full season.
Haha, classic F1.
I disagree. The Saudi Arabian special forces are in dire need of exactly this type of aircraft for their anti-terror anti-islamist operations. If you didn’t know, up until recently the Saudi special ops were a bunch of guys in white robes dropping bags of cash from the rear ramp of a C-130 onto the unsuspecting…
I’ve seen a lot of media outlets try a spin this like it the engine manufactures screwed it up and poor Bernie is just trying to save it. This is just a giant power struggle at the moment. The manufactures got tired of Berni screwing it up so they have put their foot down. It’s a scarry moment when you trust(but not…
I had this coming. There’s no question about that. I went to Sid’s home, drove his (mostly) wonderful cars, and ate…
Except that inflation hasn’t actually been THAT much of a factor The cumulative inflation from 2000 to 2015 is right around 32% which means that a $20k truck from 2000 should run right around $26k today for similar bells and whistles. In fact, they should actually be a LOT cheaper given the decreases in manufacturing…
Это стандартная процедура, просто на волне обострения Российско-Турецких отношений поднята такая шумиха. Корабли ВМФ РФ так же проходят и Суэцкий канал, так положено
Contra, he could not remember.
Lenin, his arms open.
Reagan.....and Gorbachev....on the Ocean
Gorbachev, His arms open. Reagan and Gorbachev at Tanagra.
Lol, this is 2015, not 1995.
You really need to revise your aintquated ideas about Russia.
Their economy is not in the tank and the equipment is rapidly modernizing.
Haha wow. The hubris and arrogance of you Russians. Thinking that you can declare whether another sovereign country remains on friendly terms with you. And that a changing relationship is somehow grounds for an invasion.
Nothing discriminate about dumb bombs dropped all over the place. Fortunately, as news reports have made clear, there are NO ISIS in the area, which means Russia has indeed been bombing everyone EXCEPT ISIS. Of course, the ethnic Turks you’ve been randomly slaughtering may have learned a thing or two from ISIS and…
I think it’s face-saving to say their jets get shot down from the ground as opposed to by air. An F16 shooting down a Russian jet, no matter how old, implies the West has superior planes.
To be fair, many drivers have to do that.
Jeb!’s attitude during this whole campaign has been one of disbelief and contempt that we ingrate serfs haven’t just anointed him ruler for life because he’s a Bush and we’re not. The nerve of us all to even make him try is just too much for him.