
If the worst becomes true, I think it is time to kill the prototype class and start racing production-based cars like in the 1970s. GT-pro becomes the prime class, and GT-am secondary.

Meanwhile, US Air Force awards Northrop Grumman ANG F-16 radar upgrade contract. Those F-16 airframes are becoming more precious as F-35 keeping being affected by high prices and various bad news.

The Western sanctions against Russia only make Putin’s regime stronger. If you haven’t checked, Putin’s approval ratings are hovering in the 70-80s. The presence of the western sanctions is great because every problem in Russia can be blamed on them, poor economy, poor governance, poor government services, etc. In

Even if you had to set up a bit of a trap to get adequate evidence, surely it can’t be hard catching Putin doing something dirty in his own back yard.

This blog never fails to spin a new crazy Russia conspiracy theory of the day.

Let me tell you about the Georgian conflict of 2008.

We never annexed? Let’s expand our attention span into the 19th century, when we annexed one third of Mexico, and into the Spanish-American war, where US took over by force the Spanish colonies in the Caribbean and Pacific.

USA interfered with Russian elections in 1993 and 1996, when the incredibly inept and corrupt pro-western Yeltsin almost lost his power back to Communists, as well as in many other post soviet states, including in Macedonia just recently. American interference in the political process of Georgia and Ukraine resulted

USA interfered in the Russian election of 1993 and 1996, and in the elections and the political process of a lot of post-soviet states resulting in a number of coup removing legitimate and democratically elected governments from office, including Georgia in 2004, Ukraine 2003, Ukraine 2014. And just recently, there

5. A lot of your points are based on the BS assumptions, such as “ALL RUSSIAN DIPLOMATS ARE SPIES”. As far as I can tell this meme started being spread primarily by CNN and then by some other mainstream media outlets after it was explained to them that for either a USA senator or a presidential transition team members

When the FBI develops reason to believe an American has been targeted for recruitment by a foreign power or is covertly acting as an agent of the foreign power, the FBI will “open an investigation” on that American and use legal authorities to try to learn more about the nature of any relationship with the

Saudis man their air force. As for army, who knows. I have heard reports that they use mercenaries in the war in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly the greatest sponsor of terrorism and Islamic extremism in the world. Currently, they are behind the genocidal war in Yemen, where in some parts Saudi air has bombed every port, gas station, water tank, and an ox cart, resulting in mass starvation of people and effectively a genocide. But I

Because Trump has no control of policies and things that were pre-planned long before he took office. In fact, the lame duck pres. Obama sabotaged Trump’s rapprochement with Russia by extending anti-Russia sanctions into March of 2018 weeks before he left office!

WTF should Europe “rely” on USA? They can feed themselves and they can defend themselves. Trump was right.

Russia is slowly trying to rebuild its naval force, and while it can’t operate globally anymore, it must be taken seriously for what it is.

Indeed. The FA crowd doesn’t seem to get this. America fuck yeah, let’s celebrate! We have already fuck up four coutries in the greater middle-east, spent trillions of dollars, and killed hundreds of thousands people in most cases for no go reason. Now let’s do some more of the same. fuck yeah.

So America has attacked another sovereign state in the greater middle-east. Are we supposed to celebrate?

Sanctions? Harsh words? A strong scowl? They knew going into this that even if we found a smoking gun in Putin’s hand we’d never do a damn thing about it.

That’s an absolutely correct observation IMHO. The set-top appliances always come with shitty software from security standpoint. They run outdated and poorly written software, and when those devices survive hacking attempts it’s only because of “security by obscurity”.