
I haven’t really found that the seating assignment is what makes it hard to get into movies at the last minute. It’s still all the people wanting to be there, but at least assigned seating makes them sit rationally. And doesn’t cost more at the place I usually go, though that may not be universal.

Amen. I hate the whole showing up 45 minutes early if you want a seat.


Yeah. I just don’t understand so much about this article. Hy are you agreeing to do it if you don’t want? And how exactly does this feel good at all?

This is better than leaving people waiting when you bail.

Am I the only one that doesn’t think that canceling plans feels good? I always feel awful about canceling. And just sitting at home is not as fun. Partially because I am generally doing things that are fun? Ijust feel calcified if I stay on my couch too many nights in a row.

Exactly. 21 and on the first job still has a lot of “I HAVE to make a good impression” power dynamics that coworker is absolutely taking advantage of.

Thank you. I hate this idea we have in self-help culture that emotions are lies just because they are interpretations. I mean yes, telling your husband “I’m feeling x” and letting him give background is good. But emotions aren’t lies even if they aren’t helpful.

There is a drug option for ectopic pregnancy if you find out early enough-methotrexate. That’s what I had. It still sucks, but can cause fewer issues with the tube than surgery.

That’s fair. Some people just end up awful. And that sucks. I’m sorry to hear that. But your line “we couldn’t be the nonparent types” is both what I was wondering about and what I am afraid of. Nobody knows until you’re there, but I guess I don’t know how to not downgrade to acquaintances when neither of you

I have to ask-are you showing the same level of flexibility that nonparent did when they had new kids? I’m staring down at this with a friend now. I am totally willing to work around small kids schedule. I am not sure if I have much hope of seeing the same when it’s my two month old.