
I hope you realize your sources all lean-left and have been pushing the “(insert any theoretically oppressed people) get the short end of the stick” narrative for decades while ignoring the fact that we had a black president for 8 years and the vast majority of people (yes, even white men) don’t have a racist bone in

You basically gave me one source which happens to be biased on this issue. If your “many other” sources were valid, why not list those too? I watch and listen to as many news and radio stations as I can and THEN piece together what it most likely true. I roll my eyes at every talking head equally. You have to realize

It’s a narrative unless you legitimately believe officers are targeting and murdering blacks. You might want to do your research outside of left-leaning sources like the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and the Daily Show as well. The media is feeding this narrative and people are biting.

Just as any officer should, he said what he had to in order to control the situation and not let it escalate between himself and the driver. The driver, by her own statements, was obviously influenced by the sentiment of the media and organizations like BLM and the best way to calm her in this case was for the officer


“The UC3 Nautilus, a famous DIY submarine, sank”

Flat rate pay is the reason why I didn’t go the tech route after graduating from UTI. While in school, I worked with a tech who flagged around 7 hours of work PER WEEK due to the sheer laziness and ineptitude of the service writers. After graduation, I went into the accessories side of the business doing marketing and

The Flying Crowbar would’ve been one hell of a nuclear deterrent. North Korea: “We can hit any part of the USA with our ICBMs”. United States: “We can send ONE mach 3 nuclear cruise missile to spit out H-bombs on your “major” “cities” and then have it tool around inside your borders for days or more, making people

It’s a chinese scam. Get rich US investors to pitch in for a track that will never be built. Vanish with the money. 

Everyone is waiting for that super economical, spartan, light weight & boxer rear engined (air or even water cooled) VW beetle to make a come back. Now’s the time to cash that chip in VW design team and save your jobs.

So if everyone wants to buy the most fuel efficient cars possible, what’s the point of fuel economy regulation again? I’m sensing more of a political slant vs. doing something to make everyones lives better out of goodness of the manufacturers hearts.

Pogo extended and locked.

“Tesla has been clear that the $35,000 price point is for a lean Model 3. But Friday’s event revealed how quickly you can get away from that number.”

“which will allow for a single pedal to be used for accelleration and braking”

I would call knocking over the gas tank an accident followed by either ignorance or stupidity. Leaving the gas tank on the floor was negligence.

Why the shit did the tech leave a partially filled gas tank on its side and on the floor? Not properly stored flammable liquid is a big issue. I feel sorry for the cleaner regardless and it was clearly an accident on his part. Burns suck, get well soon bud.

Sorry, wrong dollar amount. I meant billion.

The answer to the catapult issue is simple: Just operate cessna 172's from the Ford class carriers. I’ll bet the government could procure a dozen of them for slightly less than 147 million dollars. It’s all about saving money people.

I wish people like this realized how much car $4000 can actually get you. My roommate is in chapter 13 and just wrecked her car. She went straight to the used car dealerships and was either flat out turned away or offered $9000 POS cars at astronomical rates. She ended up cashing out her 401k (eeeewwwww) and had $4500

Young people don’t buy harleys because they are to motorcycles what Nickleback is to music. Watered down in a subculture that’s decades old and needs to just die, cheesy in how being a “rocker/biker” makes you a badass when your music is played mainly at bowling alleys with shitty pizza/you have your big bad biker