
Ohhhhh Snap!!! We got you now Trump!!!! (Still waiting for something to happen since the first time and the hundreds of other times we got him).

“This missile can’t reach the US mainland.”

I would be more impressed if this honda were modified to get better MPG. Honestly, the world has seen enough K-20 and LS swaps and even Camrys are fast now, so unless you’re shooting for 4000hp, why bother? Everything is fast now. Why not dare to be different, take what made the insight special and improve on it?

“It was a 1988 model”...Nice!!!! 22r? 22r??!?! 22r?!?!?!?!!?!....”and came equipped with a V6 engine”...Nope. A V6 that’s worse than a 4-cylinder you can commonly find in the same truck and eats headgaskets like the cookie monster = Least reliable hilux/pickup. CP unless 22r/e.

I know how easy it is to jump on the Trump bashing train because of the stupid things he says. But just like anyone in office, you need to read into WHY they are trying to make a point and not nitpick and go, “I GOT YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!” everytime he (frequently) puts his foot in his mouth. The problem is less Trump

It’s nice and comfortable to shave with but I definately wouldn’t call it a close shave. You do have to go over the same areas a few times to get it relatively smooth but it’s quick and doesn’t irritate my skin. You’ll end up looking somewhere in between a guy from a Gillete commercial and Adam Levine. Thumbs up.

It’s nice and comfortable to shave with but I definately wouldn’t call it a close shave. You do have to go over the

Actually, “real people” are every bit as irritating and stupid as in real life. Just like people who think it’s a great idea to jump into zoo enclosures because the animals will totally understand their motivation and give them a high five.

Just saying from experience. I used to work in several different functions for a major ecommerce auto accessories company that sold these things, including writing content for new stuff as it came out, selling and handling customer service issues with these products so I know quite a bit about them. We had vendor

Some plug-in tuners, (banks, edge, etc.) that advertise substantial hp gains also cause the engine to belch black smoke on acceleration when placed on their highest settings. I’m sure rolling coal is meant to emulate that, but for people who either can’t afford the real deal or want to take the “appearance” of power

The hydrolock story is BS. The airbox inlet is mounted high enough to avoid being submerged in most cases. A person (idiot) would have to ford a stream deep enough to flood the car’s interior to submerge the inlet and rain ingestion isn’t enough water volume to cause hydrolock. Actually, an old-school way to remove

Fluff the police

Please provide proof that every super hornet has dropped more than 4-6 bombs in its lifetime. And F-18Cs are not super hornets, so they don’t count. If incorrect in my assement, I will stand corrected.

*correction might have dropped a few JDAMs before crashing. Maybe a few hundred thousand dollars worth, but definately not 98.3 million dollars worth.

Use a $17,000,000...errrr.. $170,000 munition, kill at least 94 ISIS fighters = What an outrage!! Waste of money!!!

Toyota, CARB, The Port of Los Angeles, feasibility studies, electric cars, an impractical alternative fuel, taking the best aspect of something and making it far worse (1200 miles vs. 240 miles) and increasing the chance of success by drastically lowering the performance bar (70 mile test range). Not too many things

My biggest question is whether these upgrades come with CARB E.O. numbers.

I’m more amazed at how the falcon doesn’t injure itself. It’s like throwing a 100+ mph punch. Damn.

You got knocked the pluck out!

Asking the question, “what is good beer?” in San Diego will result in about a hundred different suggestions, none of which will have a Corona, Miller, Budweiser or Coors label. I’m not going to even start listing breweries here because I swear we have at least 1 per square mile. It’s fucking insane. You’ll probably

I’m in San Diego and we have eplastics on Ruffin rd. near the 52 freeway. They sell a sheet of clear vinyl for around $30 (they also sell adhesives) that would work a whole lot better. Someone please leave a note on this guys umbrella-ella-ella.