

It doesn’t look like a defender. It looks better.

The IONIC5 is the new brand identity. All of their new cars are going to follow that design language. I think it is great.

It’s almost like if you make a vehicle look good, it’ll sell.

As far as I know, Tesla is still the only car company founded in the past 60+ years that is actually profitable”

People always want to compare charging in a car with filling a gas car. But you can’t fill a car with gas where you park at night or during the day at work or whatever. You *have* to stop at a special place to put gas into it.

Of course it wasn’t the first smartphone, we all know that. That’s not what the author is implying. It did, however, catalyze widespread adoption of smartphones. I don’t remember anyone waiting in lines for a Blackberry. And the first iPhone was, by any definition, a smartphone. Third-party app support does not define

$130,000 fucking dollars?! Like who on earth can afford these things?

Why are so many idiots taking this to mean he’s broke? He never said that.

He didn’t say he was broke.  He just didn’t want to keep the commitment of a mortgage when he has absolutely no idea when he will ever get paid again.  So he’s cutting expenses.

Forgive me if I don’t get too upset on Billy Porter’s behalf”

Most union jobs are a lot more useful to society than acting.”

So a lot of people are fucked over by unchecked capitalism everyone else should be too... is that the takeaway here?

Many of us have mortgages, car notes and bills under the predictive nature of ‘having a full-time job’ and ‘being able to pay future bills.’

If Billy loses said job and his future income is at risk, what is there to do other than immediately down-size ‘just in case’ the strike toils on?

What a fucking loser take this is my man. Jesus Christ, why do you think that might be? At least these artists still have a union so they can force that shit. It’s dipshits like you that have killed unions for normal works because you’re too fucking dumb to realize how it benefits people. THAT is why has killed the

I have no idea who you are.

What a dumb fucking take - then again, your bullshit pfp kinda says it all.

He’s a pretty well-known actor, so they probably didn’t think an explanation was needed.

Jesus Christ this place is really the pits now that all these fucking bootlickers are arriving. Shut this site down, they already have their avenues for skullfuckery on Twitter.

Are you saying WE are the shareholders? Do I have a cache of movie industry money that I don’t know about? Fuck.