
fave take so far...

Sucks that (presumably) the only reason it’s a consideration is because of bad press. But it’s something. And a long time coming.

Here’s hoping, but even if he’s fired, he’ll just go the Glenn Beck route and start his own multiplatform network. His core audience does not care that he’s a serial sexual predator.

A bunch of conservative old white guys professing to believe Judeo-Christian values in an office, a lot of instances of sexual harassment.

It makes me SO happy that this is what he will forever be known for. I hope they etch it on his tombstone. RIP, asshole.

Please let this happen. Bill needs to take his falafel and loofa and go the fuck away for good.

My response to that is that having children IS selfish. Parenting is not. Parenting is selfless- a real sacrifice, and I’m amazed at the people who manage to do it well. But having kids is selfish. There is no non-selfish reason to do it. The world is shit, the kid did not ask to be born into it, and there are

I’ve told the longer story elsewhere on Jezebel but the short of it is my wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. We generally fall back on “well we tried but God tried to kill my wife so I figure its out of our hands. Take it up with him.”

I’m 40, married, with no children. It’s amazing how in 2017 I still get snide comments from people for choosing a life without kids (particularly from women of child bearing age). I’m selfish, my life has no meaning, and, by all accounts, I’ll have no one to care for me when I’m old. Even as a child growing up, I knew

Weird, I thought being rude and ignorant was a selling point for a conservative media personality.

Yes. So much to unpack.

I’m not sure if you mean this, and I’m hoping you don’t (please don’t joke about suicide, folks) - but if you do mean it, know that people really do care. I care. Call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255. Don’t give that racist keebler elf the pleasure of your demise.

Jefferson Bureaugard Sessions III is worse than Betsy DeVos.

Of course, if police departments say “Our city is safer if people feel like they can interact with us without fear of being deported,” fuck that, right?

There’s so much to unpack here. Have you noticed that it’s harmful federal intrusion when trying to protect civil right but if a state legalizes pot that state is over stepping?

Harry Potter was first published twenty years ago. He might be named for the series. Ugh.

I feel bad for this kid! His petty crime made international news because of a name he probably already gets loads of shit for.

I mean, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to differentiate between your Milo Yiannopolouses and your Steve Bannons. Because the thing is, it’s not that you shouldn’t take Milo seriously. It’s that you shouldn’t give him attention.

See, I always thought Kaufman was likely an asshole despite the fact he was obviously play-acting at times.

The right wing obsesses about how we shove our agenda into everything... but we don’t hear a peep about Trump using the freaking egg roll to lob propaganda at children. Nice.