
There’s no way it was really about dancers. Neither of them want to admit they were fighting over a boy, especially such a gross one.

I’m not a big fan of her music and I’ve heard some rumors that she has treated staff badly, but I do appreciate the fact that she stood up for what she believes in and didn’t give a fuck about losing fans or sales. I don’t think Taylor is a Trump supporter, but I do think she stayed silent because she was afraid of

Like the woman whose husband ended up deported, many of these people may be single issue voters but they sure as shit don’t like it when that issue takes root in their own homes. A lot of anti-abortionists have had abortions or have friends/daughters who’ve had abortions and they think that these abortions which

Fucking THIS. If you’re going to do everything in your power to prevent women from accessing legal medical procedures, at least have the decency to say it’s because of baby-killing or whatever it is you ignorant assholes believe. But don’t couch it in this states’ rights BULLSHIT. That nonsense makes the whole thing

I’m still looking forward to seeing a fresh slew of “Hey, I voted for you, don’t take away MY birth control!” tweets from

The best response would be for women to stop having sex with men, just to be safe.

Sooo they’re trying to block abortion by denying funds used for contraception, which is actually the most efficient way to *prevent* abortions. This “pro-life” movement is not really about preventing abortions. It’s about (and always has been about) policing the sexual behavior of women and limiting their family

She totally made him look like a fool, basically what he did to Nicole, except he actually deserved it. Katie was not going to lent her kid be part of that Scientology shit, I wonder if Katie was ever truly into Scientology ?, it seems like she was just playing but along Bc she was so in love with Tom at first and

Let’s not lie here people. I understand we all want to be “PC” or whatever… But its time to get real.

Some of us, including Melania, were holding out hope that he would die or something.

I only remember that until Trump was elected. Nobody was looking forward to 2017 after November 2016.

I bet these guys have had a Hitler boner for years, and it’s now finally ok to talk about it.

He’s right: the Civil War was unnecessary. The South didn’t need to use slave labor and could have abolished it. The South didn’t need to form and army or an ad hoc government. They didn’t need to make a terribly backed currency or try and be an independent country.

Wow. Hitler is really seeing a rise in popularity during passover.

He probably does have more to hide, but I’m wondering if it would actually shock anyone.

Katie also had the example of Nicole to go by. The divorce was sprung on Nicole and part of that was financial (doing it before the 10 year mark) but it was also probably partly to make sure he was prepared and ahe wasn’t when it came to custody and other issues.

Her and Nicole Kidman need to cowrite a book together

I suspect that the thing Katie had that Nicole didn’t was a father who is a lawyer. That probably played the biggest role on how the divorce/custody issues turned out. Katie had someone on her side who knew what he was talking about and what he was doing.

I adore him. He hits some sort of weird woke/buddhist/awkward/cute/hot/bro combination I never knew I needed. Like I normally hate the bro vibe. His is there but just subtle enough that I dig it. Even his wokeness isn’t quite there but he gets so many points for effort. I just find it very admirable (hot. I mean hot.)

Gotta feel for Toni here. How could she have possibly known that casting her lot with a bigoted, narcissistic, immoral sociopath like Glenn Beck would turn out to have such terrible consequences for her?