
I don’t have a PC capable of running it yet but I went on and grabbed the month sub. Probably just going to jump up to the 6 month $67 plan next month and hope I get a gaming PC in the next couple months lol. Worst case scenario I have a huge backlog and get to play some good indies until I get a better PC.

I don’t have a PC capable of running it yet but I went on and grabbed the month sub. Probably just going to jump up

I’ve only recently been seeing this as I’ve bought every AAA I wanted over the latter half of 2016 and my 2TB began filling up. I’ve had to delete long time mainstays of my HDD like BF4/Hardline and GTAV. 104 games installed and only 84.5 Gbs free atm. My list is well over 200 though and I’d need a HDD around 5TB I

Titanfall 2 is easily the best surprise this year for me. That campaign is the best of any FPS in years. In particular the Effects and Cause level which is truly something special. Unfortunately I have no doubt that great idea will never go beyond that level. It was so much fun seemlessly seeing an enemy, running

Almost makes me want to go on and buy it for my PS4 just to use cheats and mess about. Then again I’m about to buy a gaming pc soonish so its probably best I hold out.

Oh, yay, I finally had something Highlight Reel worthy lol.

Being able to repair your vehicles I’m perfectly fine with. It only works outside of combat and it stops the annoyance of someone stealing your tank/heli from happening. Can’t tell you how many times in BF3/4/H I’d hop out to repair and some blueberry would pop on in my tank and take off just to be blown up seconds

I definitely agree about the light tanks after a couple rounds I played yesterday on rush. I got in a tank both times and went 40-0 in the first round and 34-2 the next round. Of course not once did I get hit in either round with AT Cannons because everyone was running scout or support. I think once the main game

I’m hoping that even though I do have a 4k tv I could just set the PS4 Pro to run at 1080p and get the extra boost in visual quality. My tv already upscales anyways so right now my normal PS4 already looks way better than when I was playing on my old 1080p tv.

The problem isn’t with the vehicles it’s with the players not using the means at their disposal to take them out. A full squad switching to anti tank cannons on the assault class and one running support could easily remove all vehicle threats. This is just a beta also so there’s plenty of time to make things a little

I couldn’t find a deal last night and needed to top up before the 4th so I went on and bought it off PSN since I couldn’t find a deal and now this. FML but I might go on and grab this later anyways so I can have a couple years before I need to worry about it again.

I couldn’t find a deal last night and needed to top up before the 4th so I went on and bought it off PSN since I

Personally IDC I’ll either enjoy it the way they designed it or I won’t. I was just curious if people who have every FF and hang on to every little detail/piece of news liked this. Sounds like you do at the very least which is a-ok.

Well thats kind of dissapointing but we’ll see how it pans out I guess. I’m not a die hard FF fan though as I’ve only really enjoyed FFX. Does this news please anyone who is a big fan?

Reminds me of A Story About My Uncle which I loved so I’ll probably enjoy this as well.

ATM no but maybe the app hasn’t updated yet. I’m hoping this means the 4.0 update is almost done being tested as well. Can’t wait for those folders.

IDK if its the same for Japan but here in the USA the only version of the console available to buy most places have CoDBLoPs3 bundled in. Only reason I own it.

I loved the gameplay in 3 as usual but I thought the world was dull and the bosses were forgettable. I haven’t returned to it in months since finishing the story. Which is very unlike me as I’ve got the platinum on all the other games besides Demons.

No Mans Sky for its actual sense of true exploration. Terraria for its amazing design and hundreds of hours of content both in the vanilla game and with all the patches. San Andreas for being the best GTA. Skyrim because in such a small space they packed in more variety than 90% of other open world games. Mirrors Edge

Well like I said I think its based on the ship. The one I have now autolocks the moment an enemy is in sight long before I fire. The one before didn’t. I never use the mining beam for combat so I wouldn’t know on it.

I’m not sure why but 2 of my ships didn’t have any tracking abilities I had to manually aim. I think its just down to which ship you pick. Its not in the upgrades anywhere. Sorry if I’m confusing you lol but I just mean the little autolock that it does. Some ships don’t seem to have that ability, may just be a bug

I just upgraded to a new ship and it has tracking and guns that fire like 50 rounds a second. I take out ships almost as soon as they come out of warp lol. I imagine I’d be able to take down a freighter with it very easily.