
I think they should have just called it Battlefield Hellfighter or just plain Battlefield.

Seeing speculation that this could be the BF game getting announced today. It could be amazing if that’s the case.

I think Nuclear Throne came out of that for the better. Much more interesting and unique name.

Awesome, definitely grabbing this on release. Hope you do an article on it when its done. I’m forgetful lol.

They are publishing Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture on PC. They also published Helldivers on PC. Things could be changing for their digital games at least.

Which makes it all the more easy to keep up momentum. You don’t have to stay within 10 feet you can run out around a bunch of obstacles and then come flying off a railing landing on one then quickly beat another down before running off again as to not get shot. Then the next time you run in sliding and punch them in

You can still do that and in fact that’s what you want to do most of the time. Keeping your momentum up is important in the combat if you want it to be as fluid as the parkour. Just standing still and dodging produces boring results.

Combat is great if your not playing it like that. The game rewards you for keeping up your momentum. If your running around in circles getting in hits here and there you’ll start to pull of some really cool moves. Combine that with jumping off things or coming out of wallruns into combat and you’ll be fighting in ways

I put 30+ hours into the beta. I’m actually just about to hop on again. I was just spending every spare minute playing it. Its what I always wanted out of a ME sequel. Easily my GOTY atm and I haven’t even played the full game. NMS will trump it though but if it wasn’t coming out in June as well I’d probably only be

Well good on them for actually delivering on their promises even if very few care. I might buy this sometime soon just to support them.

Guillermo Del Toro, the director of Pacific Rim, Hellboy etc. He was born in Guadalajara and does have blue eyes. Not blond though.

He was born in Guadalajara so he is Mexican. Hes not blond though but he does have blue eyes.

Personally I really liked the most recent American version. This old school look doesn’t fit into the setting nearly as well IMO. Still can’t wait to see it but I’m more excited for the next American version.

I actually noticed pretty much all of these but didn’t realize they were all new. Was turning off party notifications when I noticed that I could turn off screenshot notifications and was like, “How long has this been here? Why did no one tell me? Yay!!”. That’s a pretty accurate description of the feelings I felt

Lol, says its been took down because of a copyright claim by EA.

I had fun with it and really only feel that it lacks guns. If whats in the beta is all there is then it’ll grow stale quick. SnapMap has the potential to keep things fresh though.

The only problem I had with it was it’s disjointedness in the level design. Overall it was a great game still with the best dlcs that the series has had. Miyazaki’s influence was clearly missing though, even with him supervising.

Is this April fools? They can’t possibly think that any of that is worth that much.

Ok I will. I really like games like that sometimes (N++, Trials and Trackmania) so sounds like I should give it a go. Thanks for the reply.

I have this on PC but haven’t redeemed the key on steam yet. Was going to trade it but just wandering if someone thinks its worth playing.