
Pagani isn’t car porn..... Spyker is proper car porn!

Am I the only person who has always wanted an Evo version of this to make is an AWD Rally monster with a manual?

I have been watching the prices of these things climb like crazy..... and now they are out of my range... :(

That was a great read!! Thanks! I can't help but get excited at another great sports car coming to market in a sea of CUV's, SUV's and trucks... let's just hope for an American version.

Am I the only person who has never liked this design... its like an uglier bigger version of the clown shoe... I like the clown shoe but this just doesn't do it for me.

I think their track pressure was off by about 2.5PSI on the ones that hit the wall.

Even after watching this vehicle I still believe that SUVs are much safer then minivans (MPVs). If you look at the Crash test data conducted by the IIHS and other organizations in the U.S. minivans are among the least safe vehicles and consistently tend to score lower then any other car. I realize that modern data

"I'd place that in an $80,000 bracket"......OMG I almost puked.

If this was in the North East they should have brought out a city plow and just plowed these asshats off our streets! These people are dumber then a box of bricks.

I guarantee all of these riders will then complain every time a police officer judges them and discriminates against them for being riders for the rest of the year. They will scream how it isn't right and how this is unfair.... really look at the image you are giving to people. I hope every single person in this ride

And this is where I like to call home.... I have been there many times and this does not surprise me at all...

80's Accord + hatchback + five speed + my favorite color = Best Honda Accord every made!!! I have always loved the old accord hatchbacks.

You know the worst part about this is that there were kids in that car when he came to a complete stop... I was those kids when I was growing up. My father is a complete asshat when it comes to driving and has pulled stunts like this before. I remember being picked up from school on multiple occasions and him being in

I am not a truck person at all... my entire family is but I am not. However if I had the money for any truck, this would be the one. Why? Because to me it looks great (even the grill) and its beyond practical. Oh and I could say I drive a “POWER WAGON” in a villainous voice.

My dad and I have had 4 of these trucks.... we used to scour the internet trying to find hardbody nissans. We had 2 4cyl and 2 6cyl models. The 6cyl 4x4 was a tank. Backed it into a tree you say? Oh don't worry your fine..... a building you say? still fine. These things will just keep trucking on forever until they

I'm all for it. I am not a fan of how people only know one way of driving now and that is to accelerate until something forces you to either slow down or stop and then accelerate again, rinse and repeat. on another note I love what Kia is doing. They were considered cheap and crappy cars here in the States for years

I know I'm late to the party but I have 1 question pertaining to the FXS. I have been thinking about that bike for a while now after they released it and I really like what Zero is doing with the "modular" design. That being said how much do these battery packs weigh? I'm asking this because I'd like to know if it

So If scion ends I think it could easily transfer the current cars over to Toyotas... I mean they already have the current matrix as the iM, they could bring the celica name back if they do some work on the Tc, the Fr-s could be the 86, and the xB is ending. The only one I'm not sure about is that new ugly duckling

Im super jealous... I’ve never haven’t had the privilege of owning an alfa or almost any cars at the moment (first real job out of colloge) but seeing builds like this get me excited for when I finally have some money to play with. I cant wait. This is truly and inspirational build to me.

This is pure SEX I have never seen a car I have wanted so much in my life.... did he ever calculate a total cost and man hours into a build like this.... just curious?