yeah lets put someone who took a vow of poverty on some MONEY amiright
yeah lets put someone who took a vow of poverty on some MONEY amiright
i am offended that the mom dresses like a toddler...
That was her mother
Think of the job recruiters goggling her name in couple of years: Tara Monroe search results showing DUI and Barbie jeep...
yes because support from a child molester apologist sure is something you want to attached to your cause!
i used the word “fart” in a room full of adults and was castigated more than if i had said “fuck”
my childless/free aunt had life like dolls propped in chairs in her trailer (w/her 6 real dogs). my g-mom (who birthed 6 kids) had them in her home too - HATED them. as a female kid i hated these types of life-like dolls and porcelain ones on display - just awful and creepy (my mom, sister, friends liked these things).
Maybe Bruno Mars?
i went to UA in the early aughts and all remember about Arkansas is when the razorback fans rolled into town wearing pig snouts and yelling “woo pig suey”. RTR
“How is this even supposed to work?”
It’s futile with my family: ignorant, uneducated, faux news only, zero critical thinking or discussion, just ignorant declarations usually ending in “nobama”
interviews, background checks - these ppl ooze creep vibes (not all perps do, but the one’s TLC employs do). i think ppl who are willing to exploit their own kids for money are red flags IMHO. they’re clearly dysfunctional ppl even without the actual abuse.
TLC is not vetting who they give a platform to and financially support abusive ppl and exploit the minors involved in the process all for entertainment value.
Referring to orthorexia
2001 my dad’s funeral: cousin (grown man and sorta crippled and generally special) hugs me, putting all his weight on my 5ft less than 100lb frame and I go tumbling down the slight hill in a dress and hose. People help him up, offer me little to no help. The hose didn’t run. After the funeral our car didn’t start. Got…
Seems like having her learn to swim well would have been a better solution (yes I know great swimmers drown)
Me too /googles to see who got thru last night
Those are just socially acceptable eating disorders
this lists countries with GDP per capita of $30k+; i was curious about China: 6,807.43 USD (2013) China, GDP per capita
That and the bible is pretty graphic with gratuitous sex, rape and incest