
Not for me. My debt is based on logic and so is my payoff strategy. I have a student loan with a relatively small balance. I’ll be making that payment for the next 22 years, thank you very much.

My sister, 4 years my junior, has already paid off her student loan. Now she’s borrowing money at a significantly higher

My wife and other people that are wrong do not like fluffy pancakes. They like something between a crepe and a pancake. Basically no egg pancake from a box.

That’s really unfair to Cuomo. I mean, just using the same adjectives to describe those two guys. Carl is truly awful.

Why should he do that?

If I could borrow $1,000,000 at 3% I would. Sign me up before we have 7% inflation.

I would almost always borrow money when the interest rate is lower than historical levels of inflation. I am even more likely to borrow money from the government. Is this a trick question?

I love the look. I want a car that says, “HAHA, I don’t have to drive. Loser”.

I cannot believe I had to scroll this long for someone to call him out on his beer bullshit. Yes pretentious hipsters are annoying but craft beer gave us choice. Also, there is never a reason to drink budweiser. It is shit that causes shits. Other shitty beer? Absolutely.

There are no guarantees that this fancy bag will make it past those idiots. I was flying with an osprey daylight and they made me check that. They allowed me to remove the macbook pro and sleeve to take onto the flight.

There are no guarantees that this fancy bag will make it past those idiots. I was flying with an osprey daylight

If you think you’re good, you’re probably not. If you think you’re great, you’re definitely not. Minorities need alliances but alliances probably need to be extremely humble. I try to do my part but I assume I mostly fail.

My grandfather did this with a series of brand new Chevrolet Tahoes from 1992 - 2002. 10 of them, to be exact.

Nothing fixes terrible car faults like nostalgic feelings. Seriously. My 1986 Camry was quirky in 2006. My 2004 Corolla was downright boring in 2006. It’s starting to grow on me now, as terrible as it is.

The dangers of poultry are very different from country to country. If you treat salmonella like a pathogen and kill everything associated with it as though it is an outbreak (like we do w/ ecoli) you could eat raw chicken (eew). My understanding is that we still do not treat salmonella that way in the US. Our

Are you serious? It’s an 80 year old woman looking for a pen and trying to remember the date. Yes, it’s way the hell slower. After all that, somehow they forget photo id is required...

I do what the signs tell me to do. If they put a 20 item limit sign up, I don’t go through self checkout. However, I insist on using self checkout within the rules. Otherwise, when will they EVER add more?

You wouldn’t get a manslaughter charge. In most jurisdictions, the defendant may use reasonable force in defense of any third person. See Foster v. Commonwealth, 412 S.E.2d 198 (Va. 1991).

Have you tried the knockoffs? I never have.

Have you tried the knockoffs? I never have.

Boy, I really struggle with my Latissima at parties. It’s alright for espressos but the delay between shots for lattes is rather long. It’s nothing I notice when I have 3-4 people over. Hosting a party it seems insanely long even if you’re only pouring 4 it is a long time to be away.

Boy, I really struggle with my Latissima at parties. It’s alright for espressos but the delay between shots for

If you have to make them bad investments to make them work, just make them illegal.

Democracy sucks. As evidenced by a Trump win or near win. If the electoral college screws over Trump, it’s just doing it’s job.