
No kidding. The “unbreakable” pants are $425 USD. On top of that, they only have skinny jeans and nothing bigger than a 32" waist.

I mean, seems cool, I’m interested even at that price, but not for jeans my quads aren’t going to fit into. The skinny jean fad is the bane of anyone who doesn’t skip leg day.

As another Honda engineer I can confirm that the interior of the engine block is laser engraved with thousands of doge memes. Such piston, much compression. Wow. Much sump.


Yeah, dude, it’s just for fun. I get that snow tires are better. You realize I also took my Hummer on a drag strip? Did you post on that one and tell me I should’ve had a Miata?

“Road Atlanta officials found a large number of people from the classic Nissan fan club roaming the property with metal detectors today. “

Honestly, they could put a child’s big wheel trike under that body and I’d still want it.

You don’t deserve an RS if you can’t outrun THAT.

To simplify things, Any factory installed Aero on a car wih a rated top speed of 200mph is most definately...always...necessary. You pull that off and try to hit 200, I bet you don’t hit 200, but a maybe 170mph...sideways...

You really dont know shit on the subject and are merely a typical right winger suffering from willful ignorance.

You’re 100% wrong about this, irrespective of what you’ve managed to learn from Google in the last 20 minutes. First, you’re quoting UNCLOS as being dispositive despite the fact that neither the U.S. nor Iran is a signatory.

How would Fox News respond to this? ‘Hoo-rah these Murican patriot heroes saved our citizens from the evil Islamists yet again. Build a statue to these patriots!’”

As a former grunt, I would love to kick down the door at two in the morning of those anchor’s house and see exactly how they handle being at gun point when they are at a clear disadvantage.

That actually may be a better slogan than “Fair and Balanced”-”Fox News - 24 Hours of Bullshit”

Extreme views on both sides are bullshit. I only trust one source to accurately report the news without any bias. I watch The Daily Show.