Yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
Mai in Fatal Fury FTW!!!
Congrats Bash.
A DVD player? That's stupid. I want a hard drive.
Nothing worth buying this week.
@argh: Yeah, that's what I thought the Wilhelm scream was previously. I love th Broken Arrow best.
Selina Kyle looks hot.
Only in my bathroom. I play my DS while on the can and sometimes when I'm taking a bath.I probably won't game nude anywhereelse but my room, but I'll probably go as far as not having a shirt on.
Oh boy, well, it's still chump change from Nintewndo's pocket. Nintendo makes about $22 million each month from Wii console sales alone(They make $20 per console + production rate of about 1.1 million consoles per month). Then there's software sales, VC sales, Wii accessories, DS hardware and software sales, and DS…
@AndrewDB: It's the higher quality version.
@Coors Light is God: It would be Dynasty Warriors, Megaman, and quite a few other series. But not this one.
Uh oh. Well, they still can't compare to my real maracas that I got from Mexico a few years back.
Wow, I have no idea.
I've had enough of this lego stuff.
It knd of reminds me of the O RLY owl.
Here is my pubic service announcement: Adding the letter "Z" tp the end of any word doesn't make it cool.