
This is the reason I still watch G4. Most of it has seen better days, but it's still able to crank out some quality stuff.

I predict that by 2012, this generation will be over and these stupid predictions will will still keep coming

@globones: Sure, the only way to probably hit a Wii would probably be through a domino effect due to the amount of 360s and PS3s(especially) still in the store.

An 8? Wow. Even Brawl got higher.

Is Beyond Good and Evil for the Wii? You'd think that with all of this casualization, you would think that the game is for the casual crowd on the Wii.

Mario Kart Wii in third place now? Wow.

I love bubble wrap. There's just something addicting about hearing it pop.

That's just no good. If you read the 8-bit Theater comic, you would know that Black Mage absolutely loves pie. But, on a side note, the cake would still be delicious.

Holy crap. I guess that's why Europeans have been getting more games faster lately.



@Kenny: Oh come on. You know it was Red Steel.

@Guild_Navigator: This is Kotaku Daily News for Wednesday, May 28, 2008. The top story after years of waiting fans rejoice over the news that Beyond Good and Evil getting a sequel. In other news, scientists have finally discovered a cure for cancer.

@sugardeath: I hope he wasn' droppin some chocolate rain on Kotaku.

MAn, that is some crazy stuff, and they've done it multiple times.

No Wii love?Again? That sucks.

Ouch. You know it's bad when the don't report the sales.


What part of "mobile phone version" didn't you guys ubnderstand? when it gets to arcades and consoles,it will probably have more characters than that.But, until then, I'll be looking forward to playing as Dr. Kawashima.

@Shiryu: I find no way to make F-Zero casual. It's just that hardcore.