
Redeyetaku strikes again.


Of course they would be pleased. They're printing some serious cash.

I see. Carry on, then.

Where's the Florida love? It's bad enough that we have to deal with harboring Jackie T.

Nice. Looks like I'm gonna have to pick the game up.

You know, I might actually be crazy enpough to buy those maracas. Or I could break out the ones that I actually got from Mexico.

@Lyrai: Well then , fix it. NOW!!!

Well, I can't say that I was ever a really big fan of hockey.

Doesn't surprise me.

Not another DDR!

Can't wait.

Mario Kart is still dominating and Brawl has made a comeback.

Oh snap.

That guy is funny.

Feet guns. Wow. How over-the-top can you get?

I'll buy two. especially with Wii Ware out.

And don't forget GameFaqs. Even though they can be annoying.