Redeyetaku strikes again.
Redeyetaku strikes again.
@CCCombobreaker: A Combination of both.
Of course they would be pleased. They're printing some serious cash.
I see. Carry on, then.
Where's the Florida love? It's bad enough that we have to deal with harboring Jackie T.
@DigitalHero: Good Lord.
Nice. Looks like I'm gonna have to pick the game up.
You know, I might actually be crazy enpough to buy those maracas. Or I could break out the ones that I actually got from Mexico.
@Lyrai: Well then , fix it. NOW!!!
Well, I can't say that I was ever a really big fan of hockey.
Doesn't surprise me.
Not another DDR!
Can't wait.
Mario Kart is still dominating and Brawl has made a comeback.
Oh snap.
That guy is funny.
Feet guns. Wow. How over-the-top can you get?
I'll buy two. especially with Wii Ware out.
And don't forget GameFaqs. Even though they can be annoying.