
exactly. what you said.

I thought it was a horribly inappropriate use of Strange Fruit.

agree with you, but doubting the possibility for interesting turns - that damn broken branch sound…

I tried watching all of those shows, and they blow, and are rather the reductive, trite female versions of Last Man Standing and/or Man Up. They sure as shit aren't my voice, or the voices of any women I know.

90% might be a bit high.

you realize all of that is true, right?

Ride it on, baby, just like you said that you would.

I liked the Will and Diane resolution at the end of this show, for sure.

also agree. However, I am cultivating a budding love for Eli and Kalinda, my new second favorite twosome on the show (after Will and Diane).

I grew up baptist, so I am well aware of who Michael is, biblically speaking. However, in spite of the name's biblical army of god old testament badassery, Michael as a modern day name is still not one that inspires trepidation. Ragnar, Naddod, Cnut, Magnus - now THOSE are some vampire vampirehunter names. 

you have to say it as MI KY YELLL - that makes it sound really gangster.

think we got a little thing called the world series to make it through

Doppelganger. LOL

What you suggest would have definitely improved the pacing and drama level. Those first few eps were sllllooowwww, and VERY exposition heavy. As I mentioned on an earlier review of an ep, Vampire Diaries initially suffered from the same pacing and drama issues, and it has turned out well. Hopefully now that TSC has

Nickey, we hardly knew ya. Thank you for dying to give us great story fodder. Faye Mom and Diana Dad, thank you for sucking enough to be unable to re-up your Power Crystal, even under a blood moon. Grandma kicks ass. Diana and Adam chemistry, even when half nekkid and whip creamed, still is sadly nonexistent. Please

This ep was so good that I am giddy. Giddy. Tyler Hybrid spewing sunshine and happiness? Salvatore role reversals? Matt and Jeremy on Team Ghostbuster? A crazy Vampire I. Vampirehunter? Such good stuff.

A Nolan flashback would be welcome info. I do like his glee at helping Emily pursue Amanda's revenge plans … additionally, I appreciate that Nolan gives Amanda somewhere to toss out bits of her motivation and personality as opposed to us just seeing her stare at video on her computer.

I got it: A Chibs, Tig & Bobby Elvis spin-off. Lem & Happy can come along too.

Was thinking this myself. The actor seems a bit weak for the requirements of the part.

means hack