
My roommate watch's Real Time after our Westworld/LWT Sunday appointment television. I will usually stick it out until it becomes clear one of the guests is shilling for the audience applause, which they happily give out every fucking minute to the most banal liberal talking points/opinions.

Michael Moore and Bill Mahr: Two people whose opinions I would agree with 90% of the time, yet I find them both insufferable.

"Hard Pass" - America

Did any of the lovely 90's era, acceptable at the time Hollywood racism from the fourth movie make it into the show?

“If I die any time soon. It’s pretty likely that it’ll surface somewhere. That’s the good news about the death of an actor.”

I saw him last night in Denver. It was a fun show, and it may have been the altitude, but suffice to say you can tell he is 74.

I dropped out when they were in a church and the preacher was freaking out all the time. Worth coming back in?

Are we sure this show is good? Is it not just CSI level scripts and cinematography with two wonderful and charismatic actors?

I don't know if you read their statement but they have many black friends

Wow they must have released that soundtrack on disc or something at some point cause that sounds so much better than I remember anything coming out of the Nintendo 64.

It gets overshadowed by the show that emerged from it but the Baffler Meal episode is one of my favorites. I can see how it's not a classic episode since the Aqua Teens dominate the air time, but it's got lots of funny lines.

Without looking it up, I am legitimately wondering if the Nintendo 64 Castlevania games had any music at all.

They made Maggie into a Princess Bubblegum/Lady Unicorn mashup and Lisa into nothing? Allow me to use the internet to second guess this decision.

I would pay to be able to switch the audio of a game from booth announcers to just the live mics on the field.

Broncos Bandwagon Report!

Best wishes to all your friends and their families who were hospitalized from heat stroke on Sunday.

SNF remains the superior program because NBC is allowed to flex what were once afternoon games into the Sunday night slot. Thereby able to react to interesting stories/matchups as they happen throughout the season.

This video comparing the similarities between Forrest Gump and CCBJ effectively ruined Benjamin Button for me.

I wonder if looking exactly like a young John Malkovich has cost Mr. Sinclair many acting roles? Or gotten him more? I don't know how casting works.

Clearly it will be Kwak Field this time next year.