That guy is right, they should have used real Orcs in the movie instead of CGI ones.
That guy is right, they should have used real Orcs in the movie instead of CGI ones.
The atrocious launch of the original 14 and the archaic 11 are instantly forgotten after the first hour imo. This game has become the greatest story based mom I've ever played. And story is all I want in an mmo. Like, I want my character to feel like he's an important part in the world. FFXIV delivers in spades. Play…
Best MMO ever. Oh god I am stocked up on food and drink and cannot fucking wait. And I have early access so I am only waiting for friday :D
You’re missing the point of HoTS and Sky Temple, friend.
First tip don’t play it
And now, a timeline of future events.
I loved how the ar-wings looked back then. Definitely have that rusty rebel fighter look to them.
You mean, in the same way Han Solo always has been just Harrison Ford in a leather jacket?
both?... <_<
Holy shit.
Yeah, and people are going to be purposefully trying to rip out his lungs and squish his eyeballs. Way to go, NetherRealm. now if we pull a fatality it's a hate crime.
There is a real game with a promising expansion just around the corner.
It’s a brilliant game - the best FF in years, quite possibly since the glory days. And it doesn’t hurt either that the game is so goddamn fun.
I used to hate the idea of a massively-multiplayer Final Fantasy game. Then I finished the main story for Final…
“Remove it from the equation, and the only thing stopping anyone from hating you is getting to know you first.”
Had me at ff14 arr , Answers. Almost me me with the collection of ff13 and lightening returns tracks.