Oh god. Please leave my Monster Hunter alone ;_; I don’t want to see his wife jammed into this movie and have it be a dumptruck of garbage.
Oh god. Please leave my Monster Hunter alone ;_; I don’t want to see his wife jammed into this movie and have it be a dumptruck of garbage.
Rerelease Heart Gold and Silver back into stores again, they’d sell out in seconds
Ships 10 million copies of Sun and Moon, but ships my local Target 2 Nes Classics.
Been playing Final Fantasy for 25 years, and I agreed with Conan and had a really good laugh. There’s so much slogging in this game and fluff, you can tell they polished it up the millionth degree, but didn’t have a solid creation process or direction. I hope it finds success, but it’s been so hyped and so promoted,…
Should be a VR game, especially in that driver seat view
Why are they so happy that Mario is in mid suicidal flight
“We express our heartfelt apology for causing offense... because of our lack of understanding,”
Thank god
Please. PLEASE let there be a Monster Hunter coming for this.
They call Cecil in IV “Sess-ill” as well, and I sure as hell aint’ calling him that. Tai-dus for me
You leave Winry alone!
For a game that seemingly came out of no where, I’m much more excited about this then XV. I’ll take the FF fanservice and old school combat over driving down the interstate with darksephirothxxx and his roommates
My roommate has the Dragon quest that came with the Final Fantasy XII demo on PS2. Thoughts?
I can definitely see this getting annoying quickly. VII actually might be me first jump into the series, but I can see myself mashing just to get through this text. I think another thing about the series I’ve never liked is how every cover of every game, my brain goes “So that’s Goku, there’s Gohan, there’s Android,…
Wanna know where that damn teleporter is? Watch the killcam, it will show it if they used it prior to killing you
No Kings Quest =(
Thought the music, combat, and freedom of exploration in X.Chronicles X was fantastic. The story and that god forsaken Tatsu character though, was complete garbage.
Girlfriend and my brother made this for me for my birthday, out of perler beads. Hangs on the wall next to where we eat dinner (roughly.. 3.5 feet / 2.5 feet?) Game that got me all into RPG’s back in the early 1990's, and what a fantastic villain. Great article! I hope you guys cover Final Fantasy Tactics, another…
Attack and Defense capabilities. Uh....., I think i’ll just continue to mash my screen and dodge nothing to win.