Dunno what you whippersnappers are going on about, but this here Game Genie is causing all sorts of havoc
Dunno what you whippersnappers are going on about, but this here Game Genie is causing all sorts of havoc
Kinda... odd this article comes out after this reddit post gets near the top
Camera seemed just fine? If this made you sick, don’t know how you could play most games out there
I hate when you guys post a huge Mother 3 pic, and it’s not an announcement / release article ;_;
I think my biggest beef is the Molten Core “Q”. No other hero has a i’m super powerful, impossible to kill armor/health, attack speed, oh, and my turret is repeat of all the above mentioned, with 100% accuracy.
Code Veronica wasn’t 1st person though? Standard tank control RE classic game-play.
It was a joke.
Back in my day, every game had a “pause” feature. Some of them had catchy music while you did it too
Not saying this looks bad or anything, but I think I’ll enjoy RE2 remake, remaster, whatever more. I miss classic RE
Umm... did I miss something, Monster Hunter Generations is coming to Wii-U?
Was pretty stupid when I had to fear Mcree, face to face, as Reinhart. JUSTICE WILL BE DONE
So, from watching the guy on stage playing, it looks like he’s playing this on the Wii-U. Did they ever mention anything about the NX Version, or are they 100% hush about anything regarding the next console?
Cmon, slip in that Mother 3 announcement sometime today ~_~
Just came back from seeing this with the gf. Went in with no expectations, just viewing it as a fan of the games and story. Way better then what people are going on about. The CGI was fantastic, the fight scenes and accuracy to the geographic locations and subtleties of Azeroth (in this, the Eastern Kindgoms) was very…
People bitch about $50 for a game that’s providing most people at a minimum 60+ hours already, but will go out to the movies and spend $15 + food for a 2 hour movie. I think people have insane expectations for their $50.
Was so happy I could get a PSP copy of Valkyrie Profile for $19.99 some years ago. It’s a wonderful port
*Thinks back to playing Quake 2 on Heat.net with average of 350 ping over dial-up*
Capcom, after watching this trailer