James Lockwood

That shot of the movie looks like the most horrendous cosplay I’ve ever seen

I know I’ve heard that name Snakes before

I’m sorry, what console do you think warrants a title to be re-released? You do realize when they brought Earthbound over to the Wii-U, it topped the Virtual Console charts (and that was a SNES game) Same for Earthbound beginnings (an NES game)

Better secure your Cloud amiibo =X

I’d play this version over the PS1 version. The lag/load times are absolutely horrendous on the PS1/PS3

3 different GTA games? At 15 bucks? What kind of christmas crack are they on. And out of all the “classics”, wtf is with War of the Monsters?

Thought it was interesting that a Warhammer fantasy game had 40,000 dislikes.

Valkyria Chronicles was the reason I bought a PS3 back when. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a tactical-rpg(?) with a great story, art, music, and gameplay. Think you can get a copy fairly easy off of Amazon without breaking the bank.

The post with the writing on the bedroom door in black marker. That was an awesome scary story =) Thanks for sharing!

I remember the first year and half of when Naoki Yoshida (Producer/Director Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn) would do the live letters on stream. Half the time his eyes would slowly be closing, or mid conversation he’d lose his train of thought. All that pressure for rebooting a game like that, you could see the lack

Absolutely loved Alien Isolation. The amount of detail is insane to the Alien franchise, and I thought the voice actress for Amanda was perfect. Cannot recommend enough.

I miss my ExoSquad. The toys were absolutely amazing and it had such a deep story line ;_;

I’ve always wondered if these sort of things annoy people of “various” sexual orientations or beliefs. It just comes off insulting and patronizing in a sense. “Don’t worry, your type of people participated in this game too, so don’t be offended”. I mean.. have it in the credits if anything, but to see this kind of

Just issue a release date and be done with all this nonsense. You over hype something, it’s bound to disappoint people when it releases.

The amount of times I have to read what’s NOT making it (oh, but could have a 5% chance to be offered as DLC if ____, ____, ____ is met) has gotten so old it’s ridiculous. This article should have been called “21 things not making it into FFXV”. What in the world does “Moogles will not be in included, they wouldn’t

Confirmed. Now that’s a joke.

All about that heart/health meter on your VMU =)

Grace... GRACE!

Remember when you couldn’t run and shoot in Resident Evil?

Brings me back to my glory days of winning cash + prizes on Sega’s Heat.net by playing Quake 2 and Red Alert.