James Lockwood

Have really enjoyed my Wii-U. Put over 300 hours into Monster Hunter. It's nice to chill anywhere in the house and play some virtual console games (megaman X, earthbound, warioware) with the controller. Really looking forward to X, Mario Kart 8 and Smash.

Ah, water, nectar of the gods. Now Graham can roam freely through the arid desert.

Betting the farm that Thanos is back in the shadows. All these movies giving tiny hints at the Infinity Gauntlet

Awesome poster including King's Quest. Man I loved those games (I-VI)

It's Saitine

Literally the reason I bought a PS3. I love this game

You didn't get the strat guide for the walk-through. You got it for the scratch and sniff monsters.

I originally replied to the wrong poster (so this kinda double posted). Apologies, feel free to delete the reply on the Chrono Trigger post.

Why it's worth playing: Earthbound came out during what I consider gaming's glory years, but certainly put a spin on things. While most rpgs involved a fantasy setting with knights, wizards, dragons and the like, Earthbound took place in your every day setting (Eagleton, supposedly Japan's idea of America) as a young


Remember last week someone going on about how only butt-hurt fanboys thought the turtles looked silly.

Loved him as Smee in Hook and Eddie Valiant in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Sucks he passed away =(

Or maybe it's because the turtles look retarded. Both times I saw Captain America 2 in the theaters, and the TMNT trailer came on, everyone was basically whispering what the hell is wrong with Michelangelo's face. And give me a break with "it's dark". The movie posters basically say "TMNT (starring Megan Fox). How

3-4 great ones. You got no taste son. Mario 64, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, OOT, Majaros Mask, Wave Race, Perfect Dark, Turok, Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis, Diddy Kong Racing, Starfox 64, Smash bros. I mean seriously? I could go on and on

This guy looks like a "Nasty Boy" from 80's/early 90's WWF.

Dear lord, let this game be as awesome as it looks. PLEASE

Was just thinking to myself of all the times the other 3 players screamed in anger when you got the star in MarioKart 64 and just off roaded your way to 1st

Voted for 16bit. Maybe it's cause I'm 29 years old and the SNES was my system of justice, but between Earthbound, Mario-RPG, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV + VI, Secret of Mana. It was gaming bliss.

I think everyone just figured it was a Final Fantasy 7 reference, seeing as how Nael Van Darnus had his Sephiroth scene after the satellite battle. No one guessed it was a prison for Bahamut. It does reference Final Fantasy 4 because in 4 there's the red moon, and Bahamut is fought there. But yah, jaw to the floor