
Oh wow AWESOME! I’ve been waiting so long for this.

Hmm, it’s certainly not big “C” Censorship by a state. But it’s certainly little c censorship, the kind of censoring we do to ourselves when in mixed company.

2.5% of employees at Google are black. A generous estimate of blacks in the USA is 16%. Which would mean something like 15% of black people are interested in tech...? Or, roughly looking at IQs, people with 120+IQ are about 10% of the population. Sooo, 2.5% seems fine to me. I’m probably jumping to huge conclusions

>What is black folks’ stance on the frisbee?


Thanks! Subscribed.

Yea, sure, that's a real letter. "Desperately seeking Samus"? Does the hot 'nerd' even know that Samus is a girl? Please.

Whut! Oh yeah, Japan! Domo!

I fear you are forgetting the most important Aesop fable for these modern times. "The widow and the sheep."

I loved loved the idea of Wetrix. The only problem? Half square moves! Ugh!

funnily enough this stuff though impressive is slow as frozen snot... 15-20 minutes a frame for a small sim.

Certainly the driving tragedy for that movie. I never understood the robotophobia and robot racism.

Certainly not Virus.

Not sure if racist or luminance blind.

+1 for truth

I like #10, brilliant that is.

Lovely, thank you!

What a great article. Informative, personal, and touches at the heart of our human/nature interface (not that we're really that separate...) Thank you for sharing.

Now playing

Reminds me a lot of this classical tale. No matter what there's still some attached to the shadows.

I tried a fair bit, but the series did nothing for me. Promethia however, that's some ace storytelling right there.