
call me kinky, but that accent, that beret, them legs!


weight-wise the boat would be mostly filled with beetles.

Where's your cookie? You have many cookies.

I just threw up in my mouth... a lot.

TL;DR Pomodor technique...

"More than 464?" What a strangely specific number to be fuzzy about. Why not more than 400 or less than 500 or state exactly how many?


makes me not want to have donnar kebab ever again...

Well, I guess it's a world of nutrient rich bars it's good to know what's gunna rot yo theef.

Isn't this like complaining about candy bars having no significant nutritional value?

Why is his back leg all shaky?

Mmmmoths actually...

I love this, more like this.

Oh man, I love this trope!

Me I'd rather know than not know. Which is why I've had myself sequenced and watch raptly as each new set of info comes in on my 23&me account. So far? Increased risk of heart disease. Yay!

If everything went extinct there could be no more death. Life is a Byzantine death engine, making more life for death to feed on.

Almost all mutations are not beneficial to the survival of the individual or the species. Though we could say that weaker mutant individuals could benefit prey species by feeding their predators and keeping them off the rest of the herd.

While I have not had any ideas of mine "stolen" I'm in the ideas-are-easy-execution-is-difficult camp. That said Urban Outfitters has done some straight up theft of indy t-shirt designs. That said I'm in the steal-all-you-want-I'll-make-more (and if you like my stuff that much you should really just hire me, I'm

As one of the apparently rare people who loves this movie these stills only stoke my rabid fanboygasm.