Kleeban Kliban

Picking a lower end game doesn’t actually help. The games are running natively just fine. The latency is the stream of video and audio from their location to you, and your controller inputs back to their native lovation.

I get that they are different than most Easter Eggs because there is so much hype around them now, but they are still Easter Eggs.

Awesome article! Really glad you wrote this. I suspected the engine was way more complex than the people using the buzz word knew. Bethesda said they were using a new animation engine for Starfield and also said they change things here and there with their engine but never throw the whole thing out. The use of the

Yea, that patch was awesome. I’m glad I played Skyrim VR at launch so I can appreciate the improvement. The game is way less pixelated. The Deathbell flowers look especially good haha. Eyes also look much better as well, as they were pretty bad at first. I’m on PS4 Pro myself.

Lol I loved wall running. At first it seemed out of the way and I didnt mess with it for the first few months, but once you get good at it, you love it. I actually caught myself trying to do it in the beta haha. I loved that in bo3 I wouldnt mind running places because it was fun to boost around and chain wall runs.

Yea, Sony knew cross play was inevitable. They are just being smart about it. They are still buying time to get people going to PS4 with their friends. Fortnite is a big game to target for cross play so makes sense to start with that and show effort, but also drag on other games so that at the end of the day their

Rachet and Clank is actually a lot of fun too. My buddy bought it and talked about it so I gave it a shot (skeptically) and I enjoyed it a lot. Encouraging to know that the people who made that are making Spiderman. Mighty No 9 is also a great game if you liked Mega Man X back in the day. So many nods to Mega Man. I

You will be surprised how awesome your girlfriend finds VR once she is in it. Haven’t met a person, male or female, that isn’t blown away by it and I’ve shown maybe 20 people. My mom HATES games and she wants to buy one haha. Awesome party entertainment too, especially for Halloween parties, Until Dawn is perfect. You

You can still get the $200 deal with Gran Turismo at GameStop online and have it shipped to you. Though may want to consider $350 for Skyrim bundle that has the $100 Move controllers and is the updated model with built in earbuds, HDR support for your TV, and smarter cable management. Plus it is slightly smaller and

True, I don’t know about mass market appeal this gen.. def next gen though. Still we went from 1 in 60 PS4 players having PSVR to 1 in 35 in the past six months. The appeal is already better than I’d hoped.

Move controllers are just tricky, you squeeze the trigger of a controller and swipe to navigate menus. It should work in Demo Disk, so not sure if you knew how to use it and it didn’t work, or if you just thought without analog it couldn’t work.

If you get that GT Sport PSVR (version 1) bundle for $200, solid deal that is hard to regret, if not impossible. If you are a Plus subscriber you already have Until Dawn and RIGS and you can’t get those on PC in the future anyway. Besides even PC isn’t’ going to be visually what you want. PC would be better next gen

Honestly Nintendo games just have less going on. Though often that is part of the appeal. I love me some Zelda, DK and Mario so not hating.. just saying less impressive software takes less storage.

Ughh I meant to say Hey-Oh and said haha.. meant to be a pun on the words read fast, but not it looks like a point and laugh kind of comment. fail.

The content sure can haha