
Except with wind patterns, it will spread over a large area and lead to health problems (mostly respiratory) as well as perhaps hundreds of millions in dollars in property damage alone. But you are right, it would lead to a temporary cooling effect in this region of the world, but volcanic ash is naturally taken out

"Good" is such a relative concept. If by good you mean not great, then yes. The CG work needed a bit more polishing and Gary Oldman (Commissioner Gordon plays a Rabbi) was kind of phoning it in. Idris Elba is in it though but doesn't do much but look cool and then scared. The kid (Dybbuk) was scary and it was a cool

A Jewish Exorcism movie.

Brad Bird, as Charlie points out, would be a solid choice. Much better than their current options anyway.

Because Kevin Smith has gone and smoked himself retarded. Seriously, his last several movies have been complete shit and in interviews and on his pod-cast, he just sounds like he has complete lost it. Whatever talent he once had is fading fast.

ABC is owned by Disney. Marvel is owned by Disney. Not that surprising. Didn't even have to pitch it I bet, it all goes in the same pot.

That is an awesome line.

All I have to say: as long as there are people, there is meat. Delicious, yummy people meat. Just saying.

As for Green Arrow, didn't they say the same thing when Smallville was first starting up and then they realized that bringing in all of these big names from the comics was far more fun?

The only one that really strikes my fancy is Peace. The rest look kind of cookie cutter.

Every problem, gripe, and hole can be answered with the words "Because I'm Batman!!"

The answer is simple: "Because I'm Batman!!"

I just imagine Pickman saying something like: "I must draw you."

Just wait for the movie deals. 2013 0r 2014. We'll see two or three teeny-angsty mermaid movies in a single year competing and tripping over each other. Just like this year with Snow White and the year before with Red Riding Hood. YA and Hollywood won't rest until they've wrung every Disney character dry and Twilized

Like driving past a car accident. You can't help yourself.

Indeed! What sicked, twisted creature could possibly want a closeup of that Lovecraftian nightmare?

I fully second all of this. Opened up Io9 and almost slapped the screen. I guess they were going for that.

I want to read the League story with Connor Macleod and Knight Rider in it!