Nah. He's too old.
A starring role for a Chinese person in IM3. Good guy or bad guy? I know part of the deal with China was that they be portrayed in a positive light. So maybe good guy? And if so, someone from the comics?
Haha! Exactly. I love that quote too: "Any sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from a genuine kook."
Obvious, eh? Did you just read the same article that I just did about using the Lochness Monster to prove creationism? At first, I thought that was a satire. It had to be. But, I was wrong. Sorry if I misjudged you, but there are a lot of crazy people in the world that believe a lot of crazy things. Thought you were…
You know, with fundies, I never know if it is a joke or not. And I actually have met someone who didn't believe that the Holocaust ever happened. Something about a coverup or some weird psycho bullshit.
You mean a school like this, right? Pseudo science? You don't mean public school science which teaches, you know, actual science?
As long as they don't do the story from the Kick-Ass 2 comics. God, that was shit. Mark Millar cannot write his way out of a paper bag. As long as they have a semi-original story here (kind of like the first one), then I am on board.
What exactly is the OTHER side to any of these? Especially, what is the OTHER side to the Holocaust or American Slavery?
Only in Kentucky: []
I want to read that comic book. The Omnipotent Yellow and Dinosaur riding Jesus enthrall me. Like Axe Cop but better!
The only acceptable response.
"Culd they just not remake Robocop and do their own cyborg cop movie instead?"
True. I am a fan of Verhoeven, that's for true. But do you think the Makers are trying to recreate Verhoeven's satire here or are they just trying to make a good cyborg movie. I'm inclined to think the latter as I feel that pulling off a recreation of the satire that Verhoeven is infamous (and loved?) for would just…
Can't wait for the animated 2 part movie of this!
Genius! Film it. Print it. Cash paycheck.
Eh. Doesn't sound that interesting to me, no offense. That could be some much more effectively in a mockumentary style.
Wait. They are still writing the screenplay for Robocop? How hard is it? Cop dies. Reanimate cop as cyborg. Cyborg kicks some ass. Roll credits. Done. Hmmm, I should get paid for that.
Well, to be fair, Captain Kirk was bathing in the blood of red-shirts from all those away missions. Even in Star Trek, scientists were shoot first, ask questions later types.