You just reopened my wounds on Carnivale. That show died way too soon and didn't get the development it deserved. Clancy Brown is a god!
You just reopened my wounds on Carnivale. That show died way too soon and didn't get the development it deserved. Clancy Brown is a god!
Ahem, not to defend 'seriousfic' but, um.....[]
Remake and Carbon Copy are not synonymous. There can be massive differences between a remake and an original. That was the case with Fright Night, for instance. If the remake is just a copy of the original with better effects and nothing else to offer, how is that a good thing?
Oh, how could I forget that one. Yes, yes, the hair was a dead giveaway. I think I will spend my money on something with more potential. Perhaps "Ted". ;P
And so it begins. The wave of crazy commenters with the indefensible position that Spiderman is a better movie than the Avengers. And it probably won't stop til DKR comes out. Ah, dammit.
And this one: []
Yea, I highly doubt that.
"copious shirtless moments"?
And for the second time, a good thing. I liked Prometheus. A lot. Even though I know most did not.
"The journey is more important than the destination, remember?"
I actually did not think it was that bad, but I waited for the rental on Redbox. I'll probably do the same thing with Total Recall and be pleasantly surprised. Better than paying theater prices only to be horribly disappointed (like with the Thing remake).
I think it will be more like this year's Fright Night.
So, you are saying that the filmmakers put that in intentionally to show that these are incompetent idiots? That would destroy all empathy that the audience has for their plight leading them to either feel nothing or (to more sadistic fellows) actually feel glee when these criminals are ripped to shreds by some terror…
What an idiot!
I think we just gave the people who made Snow White and the Huntsman an idea. I'm callin' it. In 2015, there will be a gritty reimagining of Ariel the Little Mermaid.
Exactly. The Spiderman franchise alone has made $2.5 billion worldwide and that is just the Raimi films. The Amazing Spiderman film will only add to that. There is no way Sony would give up something that profitable and Disney/Marvel would be better off using the money it would take to buy back Spiderman…
Whoa, waitaminute, a petty criminal (who probably has experience being in a courtroom) tapes himself confessing to a planned crime of "breaking into a house" and "stealing a tape (property)"? That is either the dumbest criminal in existence who actually wants to go to jail (if I was one of the other 'criminals', I…
Why would they? Really, what incentive does FOX or Sony have to let their rights revert to a competing studio? I think we can all agree that Ghost Rider 2 was an awful, awful movie, but it made money. It made Sony a profit. And that is just counting the worldwide box office, not to mention the DVD sales (some idiots…
I have decided to see this movie.....when it comes out on Netflix!