
Same here. I'm gonna see it because it has Thor and Charlize Theron and I like who they have to play the dwarves and the action looks more LOTR than Twilight, but goddamn, that Kristen Stewart can suck the energy out of a room.

Charlize Theron is ALWAYS attractive. Wait....except in the movie 'Monster'.

Hmmm, I see. I've never seen the Dark Shadows show. But I am not a fan of Alice in Wonderland or Sleepy Hollow. Hmmm. I am trying to decide if it is worth it to see it tomorrow if I am not a rapid Burton or Depp fan nor a fan of Dark Shadows. I would actually like a vampire fish out of water comedy, but its not like

True. Why do they both need shoulder pads?

His one great film for me will always be Beetlejuice. Everything else he has done since hasn't been able to hold a candle to that one.

I haven't liked a Tim Burton film since the early nineties. Is it like early Tim Burton style (Beetlejuice) or like new Tim Burton style (Alice in Wonderland)?

It becomes the evil genie from Aladdin?

Its just too bad space travel itself seems to be passé. :/

"no problem a sandwich can't fix"

"We love the way Michael Fassbender manages to look so incredibly creepy"

"move in big groups when taking incriminating video. The cops can't bust all your cameras or phones that quickly"

Hmmm, maybe.....

I have not seen Easy A. Nor have I seen the Help. Not my kind of movies actually, but I have seen her in Superbad and Zombieland and I feel my original point stands, in those movies she plays the role of cute girl that is only there for the main very dorky character to pine over and she (inexplicably) crushes on him

"I always imagined Spidey to be quick with a wisecrack or witty remark"

True, but the problem is that he doesnt adapt his style to the material. He hammers the material into his same overused cliches like a square peg into a round hole.

Oh god, please no more Johnny Depp impromptu dances! I facepalmed so hard in Alice in Wonderland.