
Yea, that seriously vies for #10 and Punisher #11. I also like V for Vendetta

Oh, Tom Jane for sure. A seriously underrated comic book movie. Dolph Lundgren does not exist in my universe.

Oh I would disagree heavily. Give it another watch and read "Welcome Back, Frank".

10: The Punisher

I would argue that The Incredibles are more Fantastic Four than the actual Fantastic Four movies could ever be.

April 4, 2014. Close.

If Tobey says "Oh boy..." one more time, just one more time.....

What? No X-Men First Class? Don't know if it is better than X2 (if you can ignore Halle Berry).

Uh....no, he didn't say anything about Winter Soldier. At all. Could have been talking about the Howling Commandos or Peggy Carter or anyone else from the war.

"Google synonyms"?

Whoops, my bad. Thor 2 is November 15, 2013. Crisis is.....re-verted? No, thats not the right word, I mean its back on. Still a year to go before the next Marvel movie.

There is a weird power dynamic thing they seem to be presenting. What are they trying to say, the only thing stronger than a strong woman is a man? Well, that's just bullshit obviously. I'm hoping there is something far more than that.

That actually sounds even more awesome. I would like to see his home movie version of Riddick, jumping over lawn chairs.

Well, this Christmas would be bad because of the competition from the Hobbit movie coming out. May is their best time, honestly, they hit paydirt with May for Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Thor and now Avengers. It is a profitable schedule slot. Although Thor 2 is happening in November 2012 which is just a weird time.

But setting up Hulk as the big bad would ruin all of the character growth from the new movie what with him saying

Guess so. That's the release date for Iron Man 3. I can last til DKR on July 20th but after that......I'm thinkin' cryogenic suspension.

Only if Drax the Destroyer says something along the lines of "I'm too old for this shit."

Singular. Singular story. Thor 2 will be a singular story.