
I don't think this contest should be one of lowered expectations giving a free pass to schlocky crap. There are movies made for literally a couple thousand dollars that are amazingly good just as there are movies made for *ahem" $250 million that are really not that good at all. I can forgive cheap special effects,

"the only movie I've ever been at where the audience more or less stopped watching and started talking with random strangers around them about how bad it was."

Me too. I'm liking it. :)

Eh, I don't know, that might be stretching it. This scene is definitely that way, but I highly doubt we will hear muthafuckin Sam Jackson in Whedon-speak.

Why would you feel 'bad' about any of that?

In that sense, Green Lantern and John Carter beat Battlefield Earth hands down.

The original Battlefield Earth book was no gem. Atrocious writing, one dimensional characters, scientific implausibility, any lack of subtlety or finesse. Its a laughably bad sci-fi book made into a laughably bad scifi movie. What is there to "get right"?

I second this!

You mean.....aside from Professor X and Magneto and Mystique and Emma Frost in addition to Beast?

I crap on Snyder, not Superman. The association between the two is just unfortunate.

I would totally get behind a Batman Beyond film! I second that strongly!


Manos: the Hands of Fate was robbed.

haha. Exactly. I predict we will see Superman shirtless at least once and he will slo-mo punch something/someone at least once every 10 minutes.

I would like them to stop making the following genres long before they stop making superhero comic book movies:

I love Thor. I own and re-watch it frequently. :)

......*hangs head in shame*

Now playing

You've got to be kidding me. I nearly bashed my brains in on the seat in front of me when I watched this.

This is the first round for me where it is not a hands-down no contest where one is clearly worse than the other. I am actually legitimately stumped on this one. I cannot decide for the life of me which one is worse. Argh, so much bad!

I would agree. I don't think they are Korbinites.