Well....I think I'd probably go to jail if I actually punched a baby on camera. But, then again, Halle Berry punches my inner child every time I watch Catwoman. Hmm....
Well....I think I'd probably go to jail if I actually punched a baby on camera. But, then again, Halle Berry punches my inner child every time I watch Catwoman. Hmm....
Oh, hai! :D
I'm just waiting to read a news report about Evangelicals burning stacks of "On the Origin of Species".
Catwoman is worse. I have watched both and I am not lying. I hate Catwoman. I hate that film with every fiber of my being. My family owned Mac and Me on VHS. My mom loved it for some reason. I hated that movie and it always scared the crap out of me. I thought it was awful and I still do, but Catwoman makes me want to…
Tragic. The education in this country just keeps getting worse and worse to accommodate for misguided over-sensitivity of idiots. We will reach the world of Idiocracy sooner rather than later.
Oh, I have seen it. Many times. My family owned it on VHS for some reason. Truly terrible piece of feces, you are correct. But not Halle Berry awful. Sorry.
I voted for Batman and Robin for the exact same reason.
You know, I use to hate Ultimate Marvel, but I've really gotten into Ultimate Comics lately: Ultimates, X-Men, and Spiderman. I don't know, it just seems fresher somehow these days and so radically different from the 616 universe (unlike before Ultimatum). I like it.
I've been using an anonymous Twitter account all along. Its kind of a pain in the ass because I have to log out/log in every time I want to post a comment, but I just figured that was part and parcel to the inherently glitchy Gawker commenting system.
Catwoman. All the way.
Ah, yes, I forgot about that. :)
From that Wikipedia page, the speed of the winds would be only as powerful as a sea breeze (which is not very strong). Would that speed of wind be strong enough to carve these grooves? Why would it form streaks such as this which are far more reminiscent of drainage patterns than wind patterns? Also, isn't this near…
Exactly. So, we should just emulate that inability to let go of the things that anger us? Keep that rage going long beyond the point of action to where it just becomes empty bitterness? Just because it is the way we have always done things? No capacity for growth or development or maturation? I refuse that. I…
You see, that is why I do not involved in the "Kirk vs. Picard" debates, because it is just mental masturbation to me that goes absolutely nowhere. It is never going to be resolved and people just present the same argument over and over and over and over again. Its repetitive and ultimately leads to nothing, so what…
No, I am not a troll. You are just an idiot. We've had this discussion before, Vnend.
I've watched the movie. I even kind of liked it. But I'm tired of people bitching about how the marketing was shit. Yea, it was shit. It happened. Its over. I want everyone to move on.
I didn't have as much of a problem with this episode as you did or as I have had with a lot of the episodes of this season. But my main problem was also with Cas taking the "soul-hurt" out of Sam upon himself. Not so much that he could do it or how but more importantly just how easy it was! A season and a half of Sam…
Yea, I said weeks. I didn't say months. What's your point?
This is just beating a dead horse. The movie has been out for weeks. We know that the movie is a flop and hemorrhaged money and will not turn a profit, according to Disney. Disney has declared it a failed venture and written it off as a loss. Everyone already is aware that the marketing was god-awful. They should have…