
Reboot, huh? Nice. Just to get rid of all that pesky continuity. One of my biggest gripes against TF3 was the lack of continuity (or sometimes just complete contradiction) with the previous films' storylines. This way he can get rid of all that annoying "story" and concentrate on what is really important: robots with

Yea, I really do not get what you're getting at.

I think it is mostly just contrarianism. Someone says something is crap, an entire legion raises up to say they are wrong. Doesn't really matter what the subject is, it always happens.

Sensationalism and editorials go part and parcel with the internet and especially with a site like io9. You can't change it, you can just accept it.

Does that mean Asgard is in the "space between space"?

Non sequitur!


I believe that exists....

Now playing

I....really can't argue with your logic. That actually sounds right. They are NOT meant to be taken seriously. Ok. Now I know...

The ghost scene standing behind the babysitter. That redeemed the series for me. I found that truly creepy.

Yea, but most likely they'd chicken out and not go the really awesome route and just end up showing some other bullshit about a whole different group of people getting mowed up by the aliens. It would be the same thing as the first movie, but with even shittier actors and like, ScyFy Original Movie level CGI. At

I....I don't even know where to start in response to that. I...I think we may have seen two very different movies both called Crank 2. Because the one I saw reeeaally sucked.

The only one I'm ok with is Terminator. They could do some real interesting things with that. Especially if they keep it in the future. But, yea, don't let the McG/Transformer/Sam Worthington-mania anywhere near it.

Bad movies have good Tomato readings and good movies have bad Tomato readings. That's why we use words like "overrated" and "underrated".

In Indy 5, they may retire Ford and set up Shia as his replacement. I love Indy too, but I would rather burn the whole thing down than see shit like that wiped on the screen.

You are excited for Jumper 2?! Really? I mean, really?! Are you serious or are you just trying to provoke a reaction?

Hahaha. Behold the apocalypse!

"Either Lucas is a bad director or Hayden is a bad actor, I don't think it's both"

The guys who directed Crank 2.

I feel like she's gonna whack us with a wooden spoon.