
Is that a screenshot from the new Spiderman movie?

Hah! Just pure awesome sauce! I'm gonna see this for Udo Kier alone.

Pangaea Prime? Pangaea Ultima sounds like a new car.

Damn you, GI JOE! Why are you making me so interested in you? You so disappointed me the first time around, but that trailer and that Cobra Commander mask.....I just can't look away!

Yea, the trailer looks cool, but I still have major problems with this movie. I don't like Garfield, he doesn't sell me as Peter Parker, he just seems like an asshole. And I really don't like the Lizard as the main villain. And the suit.....jesus, the suit....


My inner child just exploded.

"Ew! It looks like Michael Stipes' head!"

Hmmm, I can't wait for the gritty reboot of Easy-Bake Oven. Perhaps it could star Michelle Rodriguez.

It's either going to be another Skyline or another Battle: Los Angeles.

Oh no it wasn't. If you think that, you need to go and watch Green Lantern again and be reminded what truly horrible CG looks like. For $12 million, these guys did pretty damn good.

I do. I give a fuck.

I'm gay and I was laughing my ass off cuz he is right!

I love this show, but even I am starting to think that maybe it would be better if there wasn't a Season 8.

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Are you happy? Because this image is originally from a scene where that man is having an orgasm in his pants. At 1:50 exactly.

"there are no sexy Christopher Lee scenes, or lesbotic vampires"

Wow....I just got back from seeing this and I am more than pleasantly surprised! I love this movie! I mean, yea, sometimes the found footage angle got a little much, but the story and the characters were just perfect! I'm actually really pleased with this film. Definitely adding this to the blu-ray collection. One of

That is the way that I feel about the Deadpool movie and Ryan Reynolds.

Is he.......are they.......um........what kind of comic book is this? The naughty kind, I hope.

What movie is the center image from in the top row of the banner photo? I don't know that one.