
@Lanhoj: It's probably the team behind IM1 & 2. So it will most definately SUCK.

Funny. They really took my Seed-Ship-In-Trouble suggestion from that writers blog.

#2 is a shoe fetishists wet dream.

@Relyt: Funny, I thought of Watchmen. Must be the logo.

@FlawedHero: Great, so once again it's just the new Tricorder model.

And here I thought remotely activating phones to use their GPS capabilities was the new standard of surveilance.

*Flashback to Haze

@Neige: Ok, comparison. Batman then, Batman now.

@Lemstring: Wouldn't mind seeing him guest-write an epsiode for Red Vs Blue though!

Can't we just port the water physics to the SDK/UDK and call it a day? No one needs to waste time just because of one stupid physics aspect in a game.

He goes at it so slow the second time, you can almost tell he was either drunk or thought "Fuck. All.", possibly both.

@PTB315: More sales of merchandise. It's all he does now.


I hope the game is on the Blu-Ray.

@W10002: Oh come on, if the script wen't through japanese re-writing, you know there'll be some huge boss fight in the last episode and the hero wins after a DBZ sized battle.

@Rumtum: ...which also helps because the Henry V story is kind-of connected/woven to what happens in the Thor movie.

So, what you're saying is, Cartman is a possible scenario?

@LightPress: So you dropped a Bit, so to speak?