
Something tells me they did use Visual/Future Pinball for this.

@peckels01: He hasn't updated in a year though. even tried to contact him twice.

@TemporalSword: If by grow, you mean "add in lots of enemies at once", then yes, they are growing.

@mordicai: Who I liked by the way. It made Superman interesting to me again because he was able to do new things. But nooooo, they returned him to his boring old costume and all went to hell again.

Daaaaaw, it's the cute japanese actress from Battle Royale.

@Rohan Kapoor: Right? Cables can be cut down, but stopping wireless signals might need more effort than it is worth.

@esserdk: In short terms, short people in the city, tall people in the mountains.

Anyone remember McKay's Stargate Bridge from the show SG:Atlantis?

@FrankN.Stein: I do! Why are people against living forever!?

@Druxk: Or the planet is Earth, and they are about to start the story of Marathon 1!

Wait, so you are saying Google was concerned about my privacy?

Why do they still use huge DVD drives internally instead of slim ones? just take one from a Laptop for gods sake!

@Dave Harris: You mean the fanless ventilator? Yeah, turns out the fan is in the stand of the unit, sorry to break your dreams there.

I'm more pissed at the fact that there aren't any cheaper 21:9 LCD Alternatives similiar to the one from Panasonic.

@OtakuMan24: AWESOME. I collect Lightgun games like mad and I haven't even heard of this!

I want a Star Trek Series, just after the new movie, with AWOL Cadets and Aliens exploring outer Space, as 'Pirates'.

@Tom Purnell: Wouldn't really be a difference from the current status of sexual activity to most of us, right?