Planets - Both Manga and Anime
Now give us teenage Nova and Run Aways, call it day
“due to a lack of testing, nonexistent security, shoddy encryption, old technology, simple bugs that haven’t been squashed, and a basic lack of resources...” Cities like LA get sold snake oil by people who who little to know understanding of what they are buying, and little to no knowledge of concept...Metro area…
Really? Im going to troll my cousin with this...
As a Triumph motorcycle owner: WTF is trying to wrench on the Scrambler? The fuel tap?
Ok...thats batshit insane.
ever read Elephantmen? In a lot of ways, similar
Holy shit, there went my paycheck :(
True. Many cities have banned them, clippings get pickup somehow right?
Asshole is bit, much yes. 4 stokes are just as bad emission wise.
1, if you're using a 2 cycle lawn tool, you are an asshole.
I saw a live show in NHK world a few years ago...basically mind blown
Its very much appreciated. Its info like this that gives me the encouragement to write about something that i've grown very found of over these past 15 years. Thanks
"figure out how to make compelling content..." There's the least for me. That's easier said than done.
Thanks for this...a lot of good info for folks looking for a start, like me
I see your...Batwing, flying suit thingy and raise you bruce anstey fastest Isle of Man TT 2014..EVER
I had this dream about the LHC: One of those tiny black holes opened to the world of Doom. It didnt end well for humanity
never understood the hate for win8 as a whole. Yeah, the UI is a bit of mess, but, with 8.1, things are pretty good.
Dave Johnson is one my favorite artist. His cover art on The Punisher was amazing