Right? Seems like the smart thing to do would be to target battleground states, or blue red states that had a chance of flipping. HMMMM
Right? Seems like the smart thing to do would be to target battleground states, or blue red states that had a chance of flipping. HMMMM
Are you saying that Deadspin shouldn’t criticize any shitty gameday signs because it writes about the creative, interesting ones? Wouldn’t that put the site in the pocket of Big Sign?
I know it’s a stupid sign; that’s why I wrote that I hated it
“I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”
“People who voted illegally” = anyone who didn’t vote for me.
I bet you’re the exact type of person who gets super offended by Starbucks cups and ‘Male Tears’ jokes.
You’re calling us puritans when the whole reason the ‘joke’ is funny is cause it’s slut-shaming. So technically the ones who made it are puritans mocking people who (supposedly) get around. Don’t think you actually get that...
The joke was lame and a waste of spray paint...and then they were so proud of it.....they felt the need to pose in front of it. I bet they all fake laughed heartily as to not crush the spirit of the creator Adam, Christina’s new wacky boyfriend, who’s “a total out of bounds wildman!”
Then care to explain the joke?
Well, if Russia can do it why can’t we?
Yes all this! Awesome article, Lauren!