Both feminists.
Both feminists.
Here’s my boy Larry. He’s completely appalled by the Trump presidential run and his face has been stuck like this ever since Drumpf won the nomination.
Oh , what the hell. Let’s go full mommy blog. Here’s Jax with a boo boo today.
I always hoped we would find you!
I haven’t seen the ep but they’ve been mean girls for a good part of the season. I’ve kinda sorta liked Carole for most of the time she’s been on the show (she started as the voice of reason type, which is usually a housewive type I can get behind, even if they don’t bring the drama). But she seems to get…
No, which is lame, but I googled it and look how well is suits her! She should grow out those locks and let her Native roots flyyyy! Also I am just so sick of her fucking hair cut haha.
Tbh I think Ramona is so harsh on Sonja to cover up that she’s just as bad as she is and on top of that she’s a lot less pleasant. Not an episode goes by this season that she doesn’t take the opportunity to paint Sonja as a hysterical drunk. Ramona is just as much a shrill conniving wino.
John is the type of guy who, after finding out Jules’s husband is having an affair, would want all the dirty sex details from Michael. He’s gross.
With room for a rollercoaster.
Bethenny getting out-Bethennyed is the perfect way to describe her reaction while Luann invited herself on the trip and then left Bethenny to pay for the drinks!
Jules looked like she wanted to murder Dorinda during the drunk marriage advice giving scene. Also, when you actively choose to date John, you have no room to give advice on relationships. None.
Yeah, that made me super sad. That can legit make your kid sick. And the lesser offense of sending the kids to bed in school uniforms. Is it really that hard to pull out some PJs? This guy is such a wet shit.
That would have been appropriate given that she’s, Crazy In Love.
I like the way you think! Rosie vs. Bethenny + infinite crossover potential.
Could Rosie move across the bridge? Then we all win.
I think I’d most love to see a lesbian housewife on the NY cast. The city’s got no shortage of power lesbian couples, so it would be the most natural fit of all the current locales. And also, it’s cast is most likely to shove their feet in their mouths as they try to prove how hip and open-minded they are.
Bring back Danielle or GTFO.
Very happy to see the end of those dimwitted twins (and Rino), and the other one, I forget her name—the one with The Cancer.
Hmmm, I feel like peak Real Housewives was fisticuffs at a baptism reception.