Angelica Tarpop

Visit North Dakota. Stand with the water protectors. Donate to the ACLU or any other legal organization that can stand up for disenfranchised people and launch lawsuits on their behalf. Donate to Democracy Now! and other independent news agencies... and, most of all, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LOCAL POLITICS. You might not

Current headline from the Washington Post:

We had all the power we needed. And we decided that being bad at emails and giving speeches to people who have money and having a world-renowned charity with a spotless record were just beyond the pale.

He looks like a turtle, but he behaves like a snake. He demanded Obama’s cabinet completed ethics review and financial disclosure before their hearings, and is now trying to help Trump administration to ram them through the process. Hypocrite.

These fucks don’t even try and hide their giant ‘fuck you’ appointments anymore. This is becoming a shiny new dictatorship right before our eyes.

In addition, federal resources should be deployed expeditiously to protect people and property in the area of violent protests to help support state and local law enforcement efforts.

Make America a joke should be his new slogan.

I still don’t understand why Ryan Seacrest is a thing.