
I feel that Bill was bang on with his response. A lot of kids these days have no manners and think just because they have a camera they can take photos of anyone at anytime without asking first. They are rude and insensitive and maybe Bill went a little overboard in his reactions - but who know how many people that

They’re not shown it - just like the people of the US wasn’t shown have of the bombings of civilians US forces did in Iraq and Afghanistan unless they were illegally leaked.

Wait for it...... Do I hear the sound of right-wing conspiracy nuts saying that the Army is invading Michigan? I’m sure the governor will freak out about this and think they’re coming for him because of the Flint water screw up.

How about that. The US can’t afford its new weapons either - so it borrows money from China to purchase them anyway.

Is it just me or is General Laura Richardson really Hot.

Ah, just keep making sure the middle class kids have no jobs or college funding and you’ll never need the draft again. They’ll join on their own just out of necessity. Just like they’ve been doing sine 2002.

Yep - Bad guys wear Red.

Just what the politicians masters want - another enemy that will cost trillions over the next 40 years to fight. Cha-ching, Cha-ching!

And the next morning - all the officers had a great breakfast.

The US used to cross other countries boarders too and always gave the same answers that Russia is giving now. SSDD

When people say “Let’s make America great again”, what period of American history are the talking about?

When we were a British colony with unfair taxes?
When we burnt women at the stake because we thought they were witches?
When we practiced slavery?
When women and minorities couldn’t vote?
When we dropped two

Another neo-con twit that doesn’t realise that if it wasn’t for Rumsfeld and his accomplices ISIS wouldn’t exist.