
Glad I'm not the only one super creeped out by the whole "exploring the boundaries of what a living thing is capable of surviving" schtick, especially when voiced over a loving close-up of what is, from the tree's point of view, essentially a collection of torture implements.

It's stuff like this that make conspiracy theorists seem reasonable. I'm still staring at a goat, trying to command it to lead a rebel uprising in a country rich with natural resources but is not a viable ally.

There was this guy today at the cafe, where we were the only two people in the room, and he kept on staring at me, while I was eating, doing homework, and using the phone. And as I was using Tinder, I saw his profile, it was quite racially charged and full of fetishization (think confederate flags, Yellow Fever,

The website is using the cert error to test your browser...Per the website:

I would be that guy that loses them in a week.

only 100 comments down for someone to state the obvious. thank you.

So, let me get this straight; we're presenting the story of a kid who has told you how amazing of a liar he is?

This makes me so proud, you have no idea.

I am a working cook, as well as an instructor at a culinary school in Canada. I regularly reference BCO in class, trying to prepare my students for the unbelievable fuck-wittery waiting for them out in the 'real' world. These poor kids have no idea what awaits them...

Thank you so much for this. What you're saying makes a lot of sense, especially that it depends most of all on your partner. I think I am getting too hung up on having other people, or the LGBTQ community, validate me as silly as it sounds. Or that I won't ever be able to explore my feelings if I'm passing for 100%

Yup, that's what bodies do after you've had two babies and lived for 40+ years. The fucked-up part is that airbrushing is so routine that we don' t know what mature women are supposed to look like.

This is a prime example of the dangers of brakes on cars.

Yes, that cute social meme most often used to assemble a list of .gifs meant to capture a rolling wave of anxiety when you realize that your twenties are harder than you thought they would be, that your private liberal arts college degree has prepared you for fuck all and your friends' various pathologies are

For fucking REAL. All you need to worry about at 25 is managing acne (if applicable), buying the right moisturizers and foundation for your skin type (oily, dry, whatever), and wearing a shit ton of sunscreen always.

Unless you have a legitimate skin issue that should be handled by a dermatologist there is ZERO reason to be obsessed with your skin aging at twenty-fucking-five.

Wet 'n Wild! My fave brand.

This one:

And it's pretty obvious you didn't even bother to Google me. Grew up in South Florida (Broward and Palm Beach counties). Worked at the Miami Herald for seven and a half years. Been on enough boats to know to wear a life jacket in case stuff like this happens. Spent plenty of nights on the phone with the U.S. Coast